@33Diabetes said:
Good morning, I just registered in this forum and it is my first
experience in any forum, therefore I ask you to have
Patience with me, I will have to learn how it works, thanks.
I summarize my
Experience with Rybelsus, at the beginning of December they prescribed me said
3MG medication.For a month and since then my glycemia gone
Going up having it in acceptable limits to having high levels and
Towning that a month, I mean 5 days ago to start taking Rybelsus 7mg.
My glycemias are still very high, I do everything that is recommended
I take much more than before but I can't improve my levels
of glucose.
Some person from
Forum, the same thing happened?Should I stop taking Rybelsus?and
You return to my old medication, I have consultation with the doctor in
Two MESE and I care to keep those levels for so long.
You can recommend me
What can I do.
Thank you very much and a
Cordial greetings to all.
You give little information.
What values did you have before and which ones do you have now?What medication did you have before?Why have they changed you? ...
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: julio 2024 5.8
Abasaglar 9 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
01/13/2025 10:01 p.m.
I carry with those pills a year and quite the opposite.I spent two months with 3mg until the family doctor was able to talk to an endocrine because with that dose I had some hypoglycemia, it rose to 7mg and with that dose I have since March, I recognize that when I eat I have peaks (coma what I eat), whatsame as in the morning when I got up, but then I usually be well and in the last analytics I had a glycosilada of 5.4, when the most I had achieved was 6.8 with Forxiga and Januvia.Now I take the Rybelsus of 7mg and Forxiga of 10 and great ...
Diagnosticada de DM en enero de 2019, con tres generaciones (yo sería la cuarta) de diabéticos tipo 1 en la familia
En principio DM2 por resistencia a la insulina asociada a SOP (sin tener en cuenta los antecedentes familiares)
De momento, solo con Forxiga y Rybelsus (7mg) por la mañana
La glucosa hace lo que le da la gana
Ultimas Hemos: 7,2 (26/12/2023); 6,7 (12/2/2023, al mes de empezar con Rybelsus 3mg)
Última hemo: 5,4 (8/11/2024)
These are the values, previous with diamicron and now with Rybelsus.
The change was because he had glycosilada in 7.5 to try to improve it.

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The truth is that change is not doing well.With these values you will have Glico above 7.
Try to make an appointment and while reducing the intake of carbohydrates and exercising
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.