Hello sugar.
I would like to know if those who have type 1 for many years (46 in my case) are working and how you handle.There are days that a world is made to me, it is hard for me to get up and I am very tired.I take great care and have a good control.I hope you can shed some light.Thank you
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Hello compi.I am diabetic since the age of 11.I started in 85. I just met the 40 in diabetes.
I have worked on many things, some very physical and others less.Now I have a very good job, and it is hard for me to lift me 😅.
If you have nothing, apart from diabetes, it must be something else.You lack some vitamin, iron ... or you are burned with your work and it makes you very hard to get up, or you work too much and you need to rest.They can be many things.
The best thing is that you talk to your family doctor and the endocrine.
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