Hello everyone,
He had been reading for a while because I had my problems with sugar ...
I have just diagnosed type 2 diabetes and metformin medication.
Although he took doctors to find out what happens to me and I am familiar with all this, it is a palazo that in the end confirms the suspicions ...
Luckily this forum exists.You are all fantastic.Everyone faces things in their own way and having a place where you feel understood, relieves.
See you here!
Fercomi said:
@Fercomi said:
Hello everyone,
He had been reading for a while because I had my problems with sugar ...
I have just diagnosed type 2 diabetes and metformin medication.
Although he took doctors to find out what happens to me and I am familiar with all this, it is a palazo that in the end confirms the suspicions ...
Luckily this forum exists.You are all fantastic.Everyone faces things in their own way and having a place where you feel understood, relieves.
See you here!
Much encouragement, you will see how you get it very soon.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
Fercomi said:
@Fercomi said:
Hello everyone,
He had been reading for a while because I had my problems with sugar ...
I have just diagnosed type 2 diabetes and metformin medication.
Although he took doctors to find out what happens to me and I am familiar with all this, it is a palazo that in the end confirms the suspicions ...
Luckily this forum exists.You are all fantastic.Everyone faces things in their own way and having a place where you feel understood, relieves.
See you here!
Well, like everyone else, here you have friends and support.I also received a palazo.Mia is of Type 2 hereditary of grandmother and father.Cheer up
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It is a mazazo at the beginning but with changes of habits, diet, exercise is controlled and surely the medication is lowering you
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03/01/2025 2:01 p.m.
Much encouragement!At first you stay in shock but then little by little it is improved and assimilated.
Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7