Hello good morning.
I am José 32 years old, I was already a user but I had trouble entering the previous account ... I am Diabetico Type 1 since 1994, without pathologies derived from diabetes for now ... You Three Tresiba at 15:00 right now 19 U and Sibando and Fiasp of Rapida according to hydrates and glycemia.
I tell you to do sports in the afternoon, strength sport and cardio only on weekends, my HB is 7.3 currently, it has risen me a little for personal changes, before it was between 6.6 and 6.8.
The problem I have and that for Tlf does not convince me the explanation that the endocrine gives me until it has the appointment is as follows:
In the afternoon do or do not do sports, glycemia goes up after lunch, let's say that at 3 hours, I correct myself or get there all there, but I have been desperate for two weeks since at night for dinner I have a lotCocacola, so far good, I sleep the blood glucose in the range and linear, but at 3 of the mñn approx it starts to climb, of course we all know that with hyper maintained at night you do not rest you get up tired, for the hyper and for being correcting several times at night .. in short I do not know what to do that nocturnal hyper does not give me ...
I think I should upload the threeiba, I have already uploaded it 2 units, the problem is scare to upload it so much that I have a hypo that costs me a lot to recover ..
The endocrine tells me that I click 15 minutes before dinner instead of 5 minutes before, I do not understand it, if I click before I will give me the hypoglycemia before and more severe if with 5 minutes before it is giving me hiccups at 1 hour of eating, and with the hyper nocturnal tells me that I try to upload the threeiba, you who think before these two weeks were practically my nights.
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Good afternoon everyone
@Valante9200 you describe a problem very similar to what happens to me lately.I use Tresiba, 14 u.at 1:00 p.m., and as a quick apidra.I have the problem at dinners.I take, apart from its proteins, 3 or 4 rations of hydrates.3 or 4 u.From Apidra, it doesn't matter.If I put it after dinner, tremendous climb.If I put it before, insured hypo, that when treated it causes me a hyper at dawn.I am playing at the same time with the units and especially with the moment of injection and also the place, belly or arms.I am thinking that either the insulin action profile has changed or my body reacts differently.The latter seems to be more likely.Testing I continue.Let's hope to solve the problem.In my case I have been with this since 1986.
All the best.
Desde 1984 diabético tipo 1
Tresiba al mediodía , Apidra en las comidas.
Glicosiladas alrededor de 6,5 %
" Lo que más nos perjudica es que vivimos, no al dictado de nuestra razón , sino según las ajenas costumbres. "
Good afternoon @Sorprende, in my case today and tomorrow I will try with 20u de tresiba and click the fiasp in my leg and in the middle of the dinner to see how it is a full X file and the worst thing is that it is lasting too much time 🫠
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vigante9200 said:
@Valante9200 said:
Good afternoon @Sorprende, in my case today and tomorrow I will try with 20u de tresiba and click the fiasp in my leg and in the middle of the dinner to see how it is a full X file and the worst thing is that it is lasting too much time 🫠
I use Tresiba and I put it at night before bed and it is phenomenal, since although they are flat they have a small action peak at 3 or 4 hours that in your case would coincide with the hyper that you say that it gives you at night
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I have thought about it, to spend it at night if I put it at 15, I would have to click one day at 18 and the next at 20-21 no?
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It is not necessary for you to do vile, if one day you put it at 15, the next day you wait until 22, if in the afternoon there is some mismatch you correct quickly and this already
vigante9200 said:
@Valante9200 said:
I have thought about it, to spend it at night if I put it at 15, I would have to click one day at 18 and the next at 20-21 no?
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I would tell you to change the slow time.
Fiasp is short action, at 1.5 hours the effect disappears and how digestion is longer and gives you hyper at dawn.It always happens to me because Ceno late and some fat.
I use toujeo but I have not had problems so far with menopause, but as we know, this is proof and error, and the endocrine do the same, test and error.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
There are seasons in which the dose must be readjusted a bit.Sometimes it is fixed by changing the schedule, but it is difficult to be even stable with these flat insulins.
My daughter La Tresiba could not adjust her well, she went up in the afternoon and went down at night.He put it in the morning.Maybe it would have been better to put it at night, butHe went to Toujeo and controlled better.
TOSometimes it can also happen that there are areas with lipodystrophy and there insulin is badly absorbed and you have to change zone.For the slow one, the best area is the buttock.
With these slow insulins it is convenient to eat under hydrates and fats, because when the rapid ends they have no strength to digest fat.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
@Regina and the toujeo has a good effect when the fast ends?It is true that the fiasp does not last long and how you eat something with fat touches to correct ... and if we add what you just told me about the Tresiba.
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@Valante9200: I would try gradually the slow and fiasp down at dinner time.The endocrine tells you to make waiting time to try to make the dinner peak with the moment of maximum action of the FIASP.Make waiting time, except if you are very low, and thus the effect of the FIASP will end before you stay without "fuel".
Fats and proteins slow the rise of carbohydrates that you eat but glymia rise to two or three hours after eating.At that time the FIASP is almost finished but if you have uploaded the slow one you may get to improve your glycemia.
Courage and you will tell us!
DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid
As each body is said, it is a world and each one of us makes digestion in a different time, which generalizes saying that if 15 before or 5 later it is a barbarity, it is we who, with time and the right-right trial we will have to find out when we have to use the insulin, for example I am of slow digestion and I put the fiasp up to an hour after eating, when I see in the sensor that I see in the sensor
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Thank you very much chic@s, in the end I have uploaded the three 3 u.And the FIASP in mid -food and seems to improve, thanks for the comments: D
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