Hello sweet people,
I just arrived at any urgencies for a non -serious urine infection.
They have made me analytical at 3 hours of eating, without walking and with nothing and today we had eaten extra vice ... some patatillas in the Air Fryer and some fillets that my husband has made empanados ... a total pump of hydrates!Well, my analytics 3 hours after starting eating was 137.
Is that normal?It seems that the invokana and the Rybelsus are working?The rest of the analytics is divine, I have even reduced transaminases in half and that did not have them out of rank before.The last analytical was December.
[[ERROR-TRANS]]He buscado pero me salían tablas para 2 horas y más de 4 horas... justo eran 3 y no entiendo bien cómo va esto todavía, sigo aprendiendo. Soy tipo 2 desde diciembre.
Thank you very much and forgive if I'm asking nonsense