{'en': "Glycemia at 3 hours - I'm rookie", 'es': 'Glucemia a las 3 horas - soy novata'} Image

Glycemia at 3 hours - I'm rookie

03/14/2025 9:39 p.m.

Hello sweet people,

I just arrived at any urgencies for a non -serious urine infection.

They have made me analytical at 3 hours of eating, without walking and with nothing and today we had eaten extra vice ... some patatillas in the Air Fryer and some fillets that my husband has made empanados ... a total pump of hydrates!Well, my analytics 3 hours after starting eating was 137.

Is that normal?It seems that the invokana and the Rybelsus are working?The rest of the analytics is divine, I have even reduced transaminases in half and that did not have them out of rank before.The last analytical was December.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]He buscado pero me salían tablas para 2 horas y más de 4 horas... justo eran 3 y no entiendo bien cómo va esto todavía, sigo aprendiendo. Soy tipo 2 desde diciembre.

Thank you very much and forgive if I'm asking nonsense

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

03/17/2025 9:43 p.m.


[[ERROR-TRANS]]Me autocontesto. Esta mañana tenía una cita telefónica con la médica de cabecera, se lo he comentado y me ha dicho que es fenomenal estar con esos números 3 horas después de comer.

That he is looking forward to seeing my glycosylated analytics because he thinks that medication is working well.

Curious that in urine for the invokana it had 1000 mg/dc ... it may almost be considered pissing syrup.

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

03/18/2025 8:26 a.m.

@Cylan, I'm glad to read that everything has gone well in the emergency room and that your analytics has been so good!🎉

It seems that the medication is doing its job, and above with a "vice" meal, as you say, having those values ​​3 hours later is a great sign.

It is normal to have doubts with the times of measurements, especially at the beginning, but the important thing is to see the trend and, so you tell, your evolution is positive.In addition, if your doctor is excited to see your next glycosilada, that is already a good indicator.

The "piar syrup" with the invokana has taken me a smile 😂, but that effect of eliminating glucose by urine is part of its mechanism.

I wish you keep seeing improvements and keep sharing how you are going!💙

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

03/18/2025 8:34 a.m.

Thanks @Fer, I'm also excited!I have also lost more than 11 kilos in this month and a half long and my whole body notices!

Then I have the medical examination of the curro and there they did take my blood on an empty stomach about 3 weeks ago ... to see the results!

I hope the day comes with the weight loss and with good eating habits can reduce medication.But for now the thing goes

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

03/18/2025 9:09 a.m.

Wooooow!11 kilos is a pass !!!

Encourage @Cylan still, surely those results will be good!

A hug.

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

03/18/2025 3:20 p.m.

@Fer Thank you!Thanks for always being there!

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

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