{'en': '📢 Awesome: This is the relationship between stress and diabetes', 'es': '📢 Impresionante: Esta es la relación entre el estrés y la diabetes'} Image

📢 Awesome: This is the relationship between stress and diabetes

03/17/2025 10:53 a.m.

There are more and more studies that demonstrate the connection between our physical health and our mental health.

Did you know that stress can increase your blood sugar levels?

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam have suggested that stress, affecting our lifestyle and altering our hormones, could even contribute to the development of diabetes.

🔬The impact of insulin stress
According to the magazineMedical News Today, people with high levels of stress or depression have more risk of developing diabetes.Why does this happen?Medical studies indicate that stress activates the hypothalamic - hypopysarian -supranal axis and the sympathetic nervous system, generating hormonal changes that affect the production and effectiveness of insulin.

💥The role of cortisol and glucose
Stress causes the release of glucocorticoids in the adrenal glands, increasing cortisol production, the famous "stress hormone."This, in turn, stimulates the production of glucose in the body, raising blood sugar levels.Although more studies are still needed, scientific evidence already indicates a clear relationship between stress and the development of diabetes.

🛑How to reduce the impact of stress on your health
If you live with diabetes or you are at risk of developing it, it is essential to manage stress and anxiety.Here are some keys:
Avoid simple carbohydratesas ultraprocessed and sugary drinks.
Limit alcohol, since anxiety and discomfort can get worse.
Hydrate wellDrinking water helps regulate blood sugar levels.
Find emotional support, the community and the environment play a key role in well -being.

💙The community is key
Reducing stress is not only a matter of habits, but also support.Therefore, in our forum we share experiences and strategies to lead a healthier life with diabetes.In addition, the book"Live with diabetes: the power of the online community"deepens the importance of support and information in the management of diabetes.

Have you read it now?It can be a perfect gift for someone who wants to understand the disease better and how to cope with proper support.

🔍Keep exploring more about the relationship between stress and diabetes in our current section.

Comment and share your experience!

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

03/17/2025 6:19 p.m.

I can only comment on stress and diabetes.

It has been living with the DB1 for 16 years and debuted to me while the work is left due to work stress.I already saw the relationship between the two diseases, but absolutely no doctor at that time will be worth listening to me and even less investigating the subject, making a report or giving credibility to what I referred to about this connection.

Since I have MCG, the diabetesTés relationship I see even clearer daily (sorry for the word))

I do not say that everyone affects him, or do it to the same extent.But in my case it is and affects me a lot.There are times that there is no way to lower glucose levels, it is as if insulin did not take effect.

To alleviate stress, try to take my life with philosophy, avoid situations of tension, subtract serious problems and in general be as quiet as possible.

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03/17/2025 8:17 p.m.

Thank you for sharing your experience, @Aristarco!

[[ERROR-TRANS]]Me parece increíble cómo el tiempo y el uso del MCG te han permitido ver con tanta claridad la relación entre el estrés y la diabetes. Es frustrante pensar que durante años muchos pacientes, como tú y yo, hemos sentido que los médicos no nos tomaban en serio cuando hablabamos de esta conexión. Afortunadamente, cada vez hay más estudios que respaldan lo que tantas personas han vivido en primera persona.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]Lo que comentas sobre la dificultad para bajar los niveles de glucosa en momentos de estrés me parece muy interesante y seguro que muchos en la comunidad se sienten identificados. Me parece muy acertada tu manera de gestionar el estrés, intentando relativizar y evitar tensiones. No siempre es fácil, pero sin duda es clave para la salud.

If at some point you want to share more about what strategies you have worked best for you, I am sure it would help a lot to those who also fight with this connection between stress and diabetes.Thank you for being part of the forum and for contributing your experience!💙

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

03/17/2025 9:40 p.m.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]@fer pues entonces estoy jodida!!!

Well, in fact this week I have taken two books to see if I find some techniques that help me lower the stress level.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]Llevo 4 semanas con una especie de urticaria de origen desconocido... que ya se va pasando... creen que por la medicación... pero me ha puesto los nervios a 1000 por hora.

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

03/18/2025 8:19 a.m.

UF, I understand you perfectly, @Cylan!

When stress joins physical symptoms such as hives, everything becomes even more difficult to manage.I'm glad to know that you are looking for techniques in books, sometimes small changes can make a big difference.

If you want to share what readings you have chosen, surely they can be useful for others in the community.

I have also seen how stress directly affects diabetes and, although there is no magical formula, things like conscious breathing, meditation or even a good walk help more than it seems.

I hope the hives finish disappearing soon and that you find something that helps you lower that level of stress.

Much encouragement and here we are for what you need!💙

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

03/18/2025 8:25 a.m.

Hello good!

When I read them to see if they are recommended.

The urticaria goes down but I have put myself with anxiety at 10000 per hour.And doctors no idea.I will see if I am reassuring myself and if not it will have to go to the psychologist.If a tooth hurts I go to the dentist and if I am with anxiety because the professional who touches 😉

Tercera generación de DM2
Metabolismo de ladrillo, hipotiroidismo y paratiroideas locas cada dos por tres.
Endometriosis severa, fiv, mil dietas y obesa
24/01/2025 Invokana y Rybelsus. Hemo 8.7

03/18/2025 9:40 a.m.

@Aristarco said:

I can only comment on stress and diabetes.

It has been living with the DB1 for 16 years and debuted to me while the work is left due to work stress.I already saw the relationship between the two diseases, but absolutely no doctor at that time will be worth listening to me and even less investigating the subject, making a report or giving credibility to what I referred to about this connection.

Since I have MCG, the diabetesTés relationship I see even clearer daily (sorry for the word))

I do not say that everyone affects him, or do it to the same extent.But in my case it is and affects me a lot.There are times that there is no way to lower glucose levels, it is as if insulin did not take effect.

To alleviate stress, try to take my life with philosophy, avoid situations of tension, subtract serious problems and in general be as quieter as possible.

In my case it is the opposite, taking an MCG gives me a lot of peace of mind, at work (where I have enough stress), and at night.sleeping .I wish there would have been these gossip when I started, even with the defects that we want to put them, they have changed their lives.

Being continuously aware of you, managing a thousand things 24 hours a day, also involves stress, I try to take it as well as possible to do things that I like, going to the field I can, listening to music, reading ... sometimes meditating a bit also helps.

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03/18/2025 4:45 p.m.

@meginer said:

@Aristarco said:

I can only comment on stress and diabetes.

It has been living with the DB1 for 16 years and debuted to me while the work is left due to work stress.I already saw the relationship between the two diseases, but absolutely no doctor at that time will be worth listening to me and even less investigating the subject, making a report or giving credibility to what I referred to about this connection.

Since I have MCG, the diabetesTés relationship I see even clearer daily (sorry for the word))

I do not say that everyone affects him, or do it to the same extent.But in my case it is and affects me a lot.There are times that there is no way to lower glucose levels, it is as if insulin did not take effect.

To alleviate stress, try to take my life with philosophy, avoid situations of tension, subtract serious problems and in general be as quieter as possible.

In my case it is the opposite, taking an MCG gives me a lot of peace of mind, at work (where I have enough stress), and at night.sleeping .I wish there would have been these gossip when I started, even with the defects that we want to put them, they have changed their lives.

Being continuously aware of you, managing a thousand things 24 hours a day, also involves stress, I try to take it as well as possible to do things that I like, going to the field I can, listening to music, reading ... sometimes meditating a bit also helps.

What I mean by continuous monitors is that they suppose control of how daily avatars, (diseases, situations), which we see constantly and so we can relate.As I all suppose, I have been an exponential increase in the control of my glucose levels and quality of life in general.

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03/19/2025 7:28 p.m.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]Sí que puede influir el estrés en la glucosa , se segregan hormonas como el cortisol , sube la tensión arterial ..y todo cuenta.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]El estrés es malo para todo y hay que controlarlo lo que se pueda y cómo se pueda. Hay personas más tranquilas que otras , pero las que somos nerviosas , pues mal .

I am not a diabetic, but since I retired I have normalized the tension, which I always had it high.

[[ERROR-TRANS]]Viene bien el yoga , pasear , bailar ...y , si eso no sirve , es mejor tomar medicación que estar en un continuo estrés.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

03/22/2025 11:39 a.m.

Good morning everyone

I tell you my case.Many years ago, but it happened to me.If a working day from 8 to 5 pm, physical half, you prolong it until 0 h, for approximately six months, the result is a, fulminating diabetes.I had a bad time, very badly, I was exhausted but I was not aware then of the damage that I was doing or the risks of that situation maintained.With twenty years those things are not thought.

The situation was of such physical and psychic deterioration that forced me to leave my job.We already know the majority what the beginnings suppose with this.A few months with oral antidiabetics and immediately insulin.They are already more than 30 years, but I still remember as if it had been yesterday those days.

The perversion of all this is that the new situation is called type I diabetes, its same treatment and care suppose a source of stress and anxiety, for the new situation, due to its complexity.

So this theme, open by our moderator, cannot be more appropriate and important for everyone.At that time I missed a good psychological help, from which I have only been aware many years later.

It is my contribution to this thread as important as interesting, I insist.


Desde 1984 diabético tipo 1
Tresiba al mediodía , Apidra en las comidas.
Glicosiladas alrededor de 6,5 %
" Lo que más nos perjudica es que vivimos, no al dictado de nuestra razón , sino según las ajenas costumbres. "


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