When we think of type 2 diabetes, the most common is to relate it to cardiovascular, renal or view complications.But now, researchers from the University of Nevada, in the United States, have focused on somewhat less visible but deeply important:brain health.

This team has discovered that theAnterior cingulated cortex (CCA), an area of ​​the brain that regulates emotions and cognitive processes, could be affected by diabetes.And the most disturbing thing is that this region is also involved in diseases such asdepressionand theAlzheimer's.

🔬 What does science say?

In an experiment with rats with type 2 diabetes, the researchers observed a clear pattern: although the rats found rewards in a maze,They did not show the same brain responsethan rats without diabetes.HisAnterior cingulated cortex reacted less, and they did not seem to "remember" where the rewards were or stay in those places.

This behavior points to an alteration in theconnection between the hippocampus(key to space memory) and CCA (key to identifying rewarding experiences).In other words:Diabetes could weaken the brain circuits that help us remember, enjoy and learn.

💡 What does this mean for us?

If these findings are confirmed in humans, they could explain why some people with type 2 diabetes experiencecognitive difficulties, humor changesor even aIncreased risk of dementia.But it also opens a door to hope:The hippocampo-cca connection could become a new therapeutic target.

💬 And how does it affect us on a day -to -day basis?

This reminds us thatLive with diabetesIt is not just managing meals, medication and glucose.It is also dealing withcomplex emotions, with moments of mental fog or difficulty concentrating, and with the uncertainty of how our brain health can evolve.

This is where the power of the community comes into play.Share experiences, support each other, understand thatWe are not aloneAnd that what we feel has a scientific basis,can make a difference.

Has it ever made you feel disconnected, forgotten or with less mental clarity since you live with diabetes?Have you noticed emotional changes that you don't know very well how to explain?

🗨️ We read you in the comments!Share your experience, help others and continue building a community where no one has to face only their diabetes.

A strong hug,