Isabelbota said:
is that the food industry is the largest of the mafias.Once I saw a documentary about it and it was incredible.They failed to speak with Nestlé or other companies, they took off in amedium, because they are aware that their products are addictive and harm health, but they live from that.And apparently it also moves pasta with governments to sell and advertise ...
Everyone is a mafia, friend @isabelbota.
He had to be a Cuban revolutionary, white from the CIA hitmen who tried to remove it from the middle at least 20 times, who would take the shame to the entire world when he said at the United Nations Summit on the environment and developmentSustainable that it was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 that of "an economic system based on the exploitation of natural resources and infinity growth is incompatible if the planet has finite resources."
We are reaching the collapse of oil, water, food and therefore the only resource left to companies to exploit are ourselves, people.Having squeezed the seas, having contaminated the land, having interrupted the water cycle, only people remain to earn money and form capital mountains in Switzerland.
What gives me the most courage of this matter (I am from Cádiz and we express ourselves like this) is the submission of the people who trust the goodwill of governments or are so candid that they do not realize that the big corporations aredoing business with health.
We are born with nothing and die with nothing.The maximum aspiration of any young kid is to look for a job where they are exploited and thus be able to have a great debt to the bank for half life.If we call you mortgage it doesn't seem so precarious or what it really is.TRUE?
In the US, the diabetics, given the high price of insulin, decide or not to prick, or put insulin for dog or leave to Canada to buy it.At that level of perversion and acceptance of the corrupt and rotten order of things we have arrived.We prefer to continue as we are, throwing and not raising their voice instead of claiming our politicians to take the health of their citizens seriously.
When I see the money games of the general state budgetothers very different.In addition, if they do that they risk getting against the great corporations, which are the ones that finance those parties that say one thing and then in Congress and in the Senate they vote the opposite.
We will all die without even a cure for diabetes on the horizon because that would at the same time involve the loss of the business of companies that are rich at our expense.
That said, disgust from the world.