And I don't mean the technological section ...
Those of us who have been taking care of our illness for many years, almost always thinking that we can only do it ourselves ... What will happen when we can't do it "well"?
The family?(If it's close)
Do you go every day to do it?
A residence? .....
Thank you!!
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@Javierladez, I see an autonomous insulin bomb and, if you can, a caregiver at home, and in the residences we will have to go thinking too ..
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
In a residence, without children I will receive little help ... and some or with children.
But the same tomorrow in a circulation accident ... you never know
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
Huyy ... what little optimism ... animate ruthbia .... but the subject is interesting ... I think.
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Uff! I have ever thought about it, yes.
I have a husband (Mto, you never know, although we carry a lot), and a son of almost 20 years.Do not mortgage my son's life to take care of myself, it is unique and also, it is not fair.
I have already told him that he cannot use a residence, Buenecita if possible because there is everything.
And an urbanization of those there are, where are you going to live in a green area with more people and do you have the necessary services?Here they will put one, hehe
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@maginer, I think those urbanizations are fine while you have forces ... and so you can stay at home. The problem comes when care for day and night are needed ... and there are no longer forces or head for nothing.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Jo, I have thought about it too.When there comes a time when you need help to bring decent control of diabetes ... the truth is that it is worth thinking about it.I have a husband and two children, but you can know how and where we will all walk.What if they are not close?And you cannot have everyone enslaved, because this disease needs daily control, every minute.Maybe someone who helps at home and if not residence, there is no other.The urbanization with a green zone I loved @meginer, hopefully do something like that where I live.Anyway, go to know what will happen from here to a few years (for good and for bad).
DM1 desde octubre de 2019 | Toujeo + Fiasp | FreeStyle | febrero 2023: HbA1c 5,9
Tranquis, the AI will save us all.I will have a robot at home: D
DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid
@Ricki21 hahaha, because look, I don't see any nonsense.A personal robot-assistant 24 hours a day, that was not going to let us pass one, not a ch of more!
And well, in the robots it has been investigating time, but that artificial intelligence comes to handle much more precise and autonomous bombs, I do see it quite closest.Hopefully...
DM1 desde octubre de 2019 | Toujeo + Fiasp | FreeStyle | febrero 2023: HbA1c 5,9
I prefer to take care of today, next week, next month.Projecting to the future is to cause anxiety unnecessarily.When the time comes the solution will be sought.
LADA desde septiembre de 2021
Toujeo y Fiasp
@ENSALADA Yes, you are right, but this is a thought that is around us, and it is not for less.
DM1 desde octubre de 2019 | Toujeo + Fiasp | FreeStyle | febrero 2023: HbA1c 5,9
The theme goes beyond ... today we have a very high life expectancy ... (for taking care of ourselves a lot) ... I am not sure that in any residence today they can have a minimum control overWhat brings us here, surely need more preparation and knowledge about it.
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Well, I live alone and step on worrying, whose meaning is to deal with it before (pre-occupy).It is shown that more than 90% of things that concern us of the future never happen, so I do not let them bitter me.The future is uncertain and will come as it has to come.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
11/30/2023 1:36 p.m.
I agree with @ENSALADA E @isabelbota, I am concerned about the present.Yesterday when I went for a walk to the beach, I was worried about whether I would catch my chapron on the return or if not ... in the end it did not rain.The truth is that I like to walk when it rains.
But put to elucubrar, an idea that has been around me by the head when these issues have been addressed with reference to older relatives, etc., is to buy a house with the necessary rooms to accommodate a few advanced friends and friends, advanced,with pool and all the comforts that savings and pensions allow us to have.Hire the necessary or complete time personnel depending on the needs and to live what we have left.That is, a residence but in Petit Committee.
But what has to be will be seen.With the world so wonderful that we are the same thing would be to extinguish us: neutral:
DM2 diagnosticada 10/11/23, hipotiroidismo, obesidad y algunas otras tonterías :# Actualmente tomando 2 comprimidos de Metformina 850 mg. Eutirox 75. Simvastatina 20 mg. Obesidad tipo II.
crash said:
I agree with @ensalada e @isabelbota, I am worried about the present.Yesterday when I went for a walk to the beach, I was worried about whether I would catch my chapron on the return or if not ... in the end it did not rain.The truth is that I like to walk when it rains.
But put to elucubrar, an idea that has been around me by the head when these issues have been addressed with reference to older relatives, etc., is to buy a house with the necessary rooms to accommodate a few advanced friends and friends, advanced,with pool and all the comforts that savings and pensions allow us to have.Hire the necessary or complete time personnel depending on the needs and to live what we have left.That is, a residence but in Petit Committee.
But what has to be will be seen.With the world so wonderful that we are still the best it would be to extinguish us: neutral:
That is what I said before urbanizations,
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As they comment here, better worry about the present and arrive tomorrow, than how the world is being put on, namely a few years that there will be and if we will be
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Well ... I expected other types of contributions, maybe I haven't known how to put a good argument ...
If someone invites us to an excursion from Mintaña (or similar we put imagination) we possibly put in our backpack necessary things, and others that may not be a flashlight a raincoat a lighter, etc ... etc ...say not to wait to be with the need .... forecast, no concern .... which can be happy equally.
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I work in a public residence and is already beginning to implement the person -centered attention, so they will attend us well, they do it now, but of course the diabetics take them as before the truth that you see everything !!
If I ever think that it will be my old age, but we cannot know so to look at the present and try to carry good control without the obsession.
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Yes, if the condominiums.Those residences where you have your foot to you and then the common part that if you want or not use.Based on that you pay.
The ones that are best worth are on the high floors and the most needy below.
In Madrid they announce them on the radio but in Canada and the US they have them for years.
With the life that I lead, I will not get to Viejecita, unless I change my job.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
The "I at a residence" is fine until you find out what they cost.
DM 2 diagnosticado en marzo de 2023.
HG debut 13.2 Última HG: 2024 6.3
AntiGAD : Haberlos,Haylos... pero pocos. NEGATIVO pues.
Metformina 1-0-1
Toujeo: Guardada en la nevera... y que siga.