Good afternoon.
Since 2015 I was diagnosed with insulin resistance, I have been taking 850 metformin years in the morning and night and very well.
The fact is that after many years of infertility and losses I am finally pregnant with twins.
In week 24 we did glucose control and metformin no longer covered me since it was giving 170-180 postpandial peaks.
I have been prescribed by Novorapid before meals 2-3-2 and Lantus 3 1 hour after dinner.
In pregnancy, glucose is recommended below 90 on an empty stomach or before eating.
The fact is that I have been with insulin for a week but my east glucose after 8-10 hours of fast90.
I do not understand it but at 7 in the morning they are fine but if I punctuate at 9-19 I am already high ... it is as if my glucose went up not to ingest for so many hours or I do not know ...
I started with Lantus 2 and I have two days clicking 3 but I'm still the same.
Before meals are usually between 85 and 95, never again.
But it is that climbing more of your is afraid of hypoglycemia at night.
Normally before I go to sleep I take 2 nuts and a shot of milk so that I do not get off during the night much (although I have never had a hypo) someone can tell me how I can download those glucose below 90.
I have the post overviews well because I control the hydrates of how ... but they overwhelm the fasts and before eating ...
Any advice?I don't take anything before going to sleep better?Does I have to climb Lantus?
Especially it is because I feel bad thinking that I can harm you.
Thank you