At least, 12 percent of the adult population suffers chronic kidney disease and diabetes is the most important cause."This disease reduces in several years the life expectancy of the person with diabetes and increases the risk of cardiovascular complications and mortality. In addition, it increases the risk of ocular affectation (retinopathy) and nerves (neuropathy)," says the endocrinologistManuel Antonio Botana López, a member of the Seen Diabetes Area, who affects that an early diagnosis of diabetic renal disease contributes to implementing focused measures to avoid progression.
"The correct glycemic control, of blood pressure and other factors such as body weight or cholesterol figures help the prevention of this pathology."There are currently very useful drugs for prevention or treatment in early phases, so "identification by active search for the problem when symptoms are not produced is essential."
Diabetic renal disease is renal affectation that appears as a result of suffering from diabetes for a more or less prolonged period of time."In general, it is defined as the disease that begins with a loss of albumin by urine and, subsequently, with the decrease in glomerular filtering, but it is currently known that there is a type of diabetic renal disease with albuminuria and another without it,"Explain the specialist.
Dr. Botana points out that the symptoms do not usually occur until the process is very advanced with the consequent serious impact on renal function.Likewise, the endocrinologist maintains that, although it has no healing, proper management can slow down evolution and progression."In the initial phases, if the predisposing or aggravating factors are corrected, a regression of dysfunction can be achieved," he explains.
As he remembers, the endocrinologist plays an "essential" function in the approach of patients with diabetic renal disease as responsible for the control of people with diabetes along with primary care doctors."This control includes all the metabolic factors and predisposing to renal diabetic disease for the prevention and early detection of it," the expert maintains.
Dr. Botana argues that the greatest advance in relation to diabetic renal disease is SGLT2 inhibitors, which help in the prevention and delay of the evolution of this pathology."In the near future drugs will arrive that, with other mechanisms of action, will also be useful, but the challenge currently remains early detection and get the risk factors for the appearance of diabetic renal disease are the best possible controlled"It ends.