Diabetes food is an issue that is in continuous evolution and that, unfortunately, is a breeding ground for numerous bulos and confusion that extend easily.That is why we wanted to solve some usual doubts.

1.Should we eliminate carbohydrates?

It is common to think that people with diabetes should not take foods rich in carbohydrates (HC), due to their impact on blood glucose levels.

However, we must bear in mind that they are an essential type of macronutrient in our daily diet, by providing energy to the body that is necessary for its proper functioning.

Therefore, beyond eliminating foods rich in HC, it is necessary to know what type they are and to what extent they are present in the products of our diet.

Thus, HCs can be classified by their absorption speed;Cereals and derivatives, legumes or tubers are preferable that, due to their slow absorption, take longer to raise blood glucose levels.

2.Does the fruit have too much sugar?

Another of the great bulos of diabetes food is to think that, due to its sweet taste, the fruit provides an excessive amount of glucose.However, as specialists point out, the fruit is rich in water and poor in macronutrients in general, which includes a low percentage of HC, fats and proteins.

In addition, it provides numerous vitamins, minerals and fiber, which advise their consumption daily.On the other hand, some fruits and juices are recommended in certain quantities, for the recovery of the person after an episode of hypoglycemia.

Therefore, people with diabetes must include fruits in their diet, if possible natural and seasonal.But they must keep in mind that not all have the same glycemic load and that, therefore, some will have a more intense and direct effect on blood glucose levels, and therefore it is necessary to control their consumption.

3.Are there forbidden products and other apt?

As a result of a reductionist vision on how the composition of the daily diet of people with diabetes should be, it is commonThat others must be prioritized, whose advertising claims qualify as "suitable for people with diabetes."

However, the vast majority of health professionals agree that prohibitions do not favor a balanced diet and that, controlled consumption is better than forbidden consumption, since the important thing is to maintain a healthy and undoubtedly diet.

In this sense, the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are indicated as a reference in balanced diet.