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Diabetic foot

12/02/2022 11:07 a.m.

I have just diagnosed axonal peripheral neuropathy, we go to understand diabetic foot, I have read all the threads referring to the subject, but I have some doubts, I know that you have treatment but it serves to send the disease or only to stop it.

What is the treatment?

And some other questions that occur to me but that I leave for later.

Thanks for answering!

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12/02/2022 9:01 p.m.

I have it diagnosed by an EMG that made me seeing that I complained !!
EMG Electromiography (they measure you the response speed of feet and leg nerves)
Moderate-Grave Axonal Sensitive Diabetic Polyneuropathy (diagnosed in 2021)
What I feel is numbness - pain in feet and legs.
The treatment is to take care of your diabetes, as your feet and legs worse will worse.I believe and have read that the worsening of diabetes is associated with what worsen in other diseases, so bad diabetes, worse diabetic foot.Treatment that gabapentina gives us 300 mg by a tube.They are giving me 2700mg daily of these pills.The endocrine has already told me that if the pain increases I will have to go to neurology.The disease is neither refers nor slows down, so I see in my body.Above I also have many problems in my skin with enough irritations that I had had in my life.PT diabetes ....

Diabetes Tipo 2 (2014) con 38 años - Neuropatía Diabética (2013) - Polineuropatía Diabética sensitiva axonal moderado-grave en miembros inferiores (2021) - Jubilado en 2022 con 45 años. (Synjardy (Mettformina) - Trulicity - Ozempic - Gabapentina). HBA1c: 4,5%. Discapacidad del 35% - Presbicia con 45 años (ya no veo de cerca, pero no hay retinopatía diabética en los ojos). Abuela materna y Abuela paterna e tíos diabéticos tipo 1

12/02/2022 10:05 p.m.

Thank you very much., 2 mine is burning and tingling, sometimes it hurts but sporadically, I worry because my passion is hiking and what I have read is an activity not convenient for the feet

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12/02/2022 10:19 p.m.

I have read here in the Cases of Neuropathies diagnosed while diabetes, which improved a lot with the treatment of gabapentin and glucose control., So you can go to better

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

12/02/2022 10:52 p.m.

diabetic said:
thank you very much @pyrri, that's what I have diagnosed with me after an emg, but I have not yet gone to the endocrine for that reason I asked, the truth is that I only have 4Years with the DM and the 7.2 glyc

Well here they recommend it ...

I believe that sedentary lifestyle is worse.In the end you have to activate the circulation and for that you have to move.
With control I don't think you have a problem for hiking.Cheer up.

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

12/02/2022 11:32 p.m.

Thanks @isabelbota, thanks @regina

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01/08/2023 9:29 p.m.

pyrri said:
I have it diagnosed by an EMG that made me seeing that I complained !!
EMG Electromiography (they measure you the response speed of feet and leg nerves)
Moderate-Grave Axonal Sensitive Diabetic Polyneuropathy (diagnosed in 2021)
What I feel is numbness - pain in feet and legs.
The treatment is to take care of your diabetes, as your feet and legs worse will worse.I believe and have read that the worsening of diabetes is associated with what worsen in other diseases, so bad diabetes, worse diabetic foot.Treatment that gabapentina gives us 300 mg by a tube.They are giving me 2700mg daily of these pills.The endocrine has already told me that if the pain increases I will have to go to neurology.The disease is neither refers nor slows down, so I see in my body.Above I also have many problems in my skin with enough irritations that I had had in my life.PT diabetes ....

Hello, @pyrri, I also have diabetic neuropathy but in my case it is mixed, sensitive motor, I have read your post carefully because it seems that we are a minority the diabetics that we have this problem, and in my case having had the well -controlled glucose takingA pill a day of metformin.But there are two aspects that have caught my attention on what you put:
You put you diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2014 and diabetic neuropathy in 2013. Is it possible that it is prior to the diagnosis of diabetes?
Do you also put a glycosylated hemoglobin of 4.5%, is it possible?
I have paid a lot of attention to what you say because I am very lost with my neuropathy, in fact the endocrine doubts that the origin of my neuropathy is diabetic because my diabetes has never been uncontrolled, but the neurologist has done a lot of tests looking for other possible tests looking for other possibleCauses and all have given negative.
A cordial greeting

Diabetes tipo 2 desde 2014, 850 mg de Metformina al día, neuropatía periférica desde 2020

01/09/2023 11:29 a.m.

Well, it's bad luck with only 4 years of dm you get a complication

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01/11/2023 11:29 p.m.

In 2013 I already had numbness on both feet but I did not diagnose diabetes of any kind.Before 2013 I visited the neurologist because I had a 2 -month -old coma due to an injection that put me and affected my body that way, I had to make rehabilitation in my legs but I had sequelae in the form of tremors in my hands and that numbnessOn my feet also appeared to me, I did a nuclear test in the HUCA to see the brain and gave negative but not diabetes.Subsequently they did an analysis in 2014 and came type 2 diabetes. So neuropathy was already coming from behind !!
The glycosada gets very low thanks to the Synjardy 12.5mg/1000mg metformin and the 1.5mg Trulicity, the diet passed it through the lining and thanks to the medication it keeps me very well !!, but this year I intend to change my habits, I don't want the pancreas to be annoyed and then I have to go through the insulin punctures.I plan to play sports and download about 40 kilos that I have over weight, there are not many because I measure 182 cm, I have to put on the mess and there is no more and annoy myself with the diet .....

Diabetes Tipo 2 (2014) con 38 años - Neuropatía Diabética (2013) - Polineuropatía Diabética sensitiva axonal moderado-grave en miembros inferiores (2021) - Jubilado en 2022 con 45 años. (Synjardy (Mettformina) - Trulicity - Ozempic - Gabapentina). HBA1c: 4,5%. Discapacidad del 35% - Presbicia con 45 años (ya no veo de cerca, pero no hay retinopatía diabética en los ojos). Abuela materna y Abuela paterna e tíos diabéticos tipo 1

01/11/2023 11:43 p.m.

pyrri said:
In 2013 I already had numbness on both feet but I did not diagnose diabetes of any kind.Before 2013 I visited the neurologist because I had a 2 -month -old coma due to an injection that put me and affected my body that way, I had to make rehabilitation in my legs but I had sequelae in the form of tremors in my hands and that numbnessOn my feet also appeared to me, I did a nuclear test in the HUCA to see the brain and gave negative but not diabetes.Subsequently they did an analysis in 2014 and came type 2 diabetes. So neuropathy was already coming from behind !!
The glycosada gets very low thanks to the Synjardy 12.5mg/1000mg metformin and the 1.5mg Trulicity, the diet passed it through the lining and thanks to the medication it keeps me very well !!, but this year I intend to change my habits, I don't want the pancreas to be annoyed and then I have to go through the insulin punctures.I plan to play sports and download about 40 kilos that I have overweight, there are not many because I measure 182 cm, I have to put on the mess and there is no more and annoy my diet .....

@Pyrri clarified, thanks, for what I see your neuropathy has nothing to do with diabetes, it is what I did not just understand.To me reach 5.5 from glycosilada it costs me a lot because the endocrine only prescribes a pill a day of 850 mg of metformin.Luck!!!

Diabetes tipo 2 desde 2014, 850 mg de Metformina al día, neuropatía periférica desde 2020

01/11/2023 11:48 p.m.

It is that I have been informing and for peripheral neuropathy there are several causes even the lack of vitamin B12, but the doctors do not break the coconut ... you are diabetic ... because neuropathy is diabetic and to run

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01/12/2023 12:11 p.m.

diabetic said:
is that I have been informing and for peripheral neuropathy there are several causes even the lack of vitamin B12, but the doctors do not break the coconut ... you are diabetic ...Well, neuropathy is diabetics and running

@Diabestic in my case that have done all kinds of tests, including vitamin B12, and all so far have given negative, they still are not clear that it is diabetic for the control of the glucose I have had, and when notThey find the cause they call them idiopathic.In my case, until now they doubt between diathetic and idiopathic.It is a Chinese martyrdom

Diabetes tipo 2 desde 2014, 850 mg de Metformina al día, neuropatía periférica desde 2020

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