One more year, the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE) and its Federations and Member Associations, join, through numerous actions and initiatives, to the celebration of World Diabetes Day, which takes place every November 14.

On this occasion, Albacete has been chosen as the city that will house the acts of celebration of Fede, on November 10, together with the collaboration of the Federation of People with Diabetes de Castilla - La Mancha (Fedicam).

In 2021, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) began a three -year campaign that, until 2023, will be focused on promoting better access to diabetes care.

"Educating to protect the future" is the motto chosen for this year, always having as a central axis the formation and diabetological education, being the key tool for people who live with pathology to avoid and / or reduce future complications,and enjoy a good quality of life.And, education in diabetes is part of the care of pathology and, therefore, is a right that should be guaranteed to patients, through a health system focused on chronicity and health professionals specifically trained in diabetes.

As every year, IDF has made available to users a series of materials in different languages, so that everyone can join, through social networks, to the celebration of World Diabetes Day.