Cassie said:
good morning !!
I would like to know if you also affect the heat-diabetes combination?
I have been following it since the end of April and I don't know many things ...
As about 13'30, I put my insulin and usually, at 2 hours I have normal values.
The fact is that every day at 16'30-17´00 that I am going to pick up my children to the Casal it gives me a downturn ... At first I thought it was not to snack before going, but yesterday I did it and gave meThe same ... I'm already afraid, I've been a couple of weeks.
I tell you about heat, because on weekends I don't leave home at that time, it doesn't happen to me.
I drink approximately 2l.of water a day (I think I am well hydrated) and I inject the slow one at 8:1,00 (12ud), I do not know if it would be it would be before I got eaten 1r of ch, without clicking me .... yesterday I passedfrom 100 in blood to 60 in 20 minutes;I have written my educator but I have not obtained an answer yet.
Can anyone guide me?
I thank you!

Good, I am one of those who affect the heat, exercise and insulin cocktail.
The bad thing is that I do not always know what time I will leave and if it will be walking, in a motorcycle or by car.
I have just a year than you, and it is a continuous not to stop learning.
When clicking myself I saw that it was better for me to prick the slow insulin Tresiba at 22:00.I find the values of the rest of the day more stable and I save having to take it if I leave home in the morning before the usual time of punctured.
The issue of slow at night and the rest of the day worked in the main meals according to carbohydrates to the eye (at the beginning it was without living with the weight and HC table according to food).And see the graph every half an hour at the beginning and every hour today, when I go out to the street he took his eyes to the graph and if it is below 120 I am more attentive every quarter of an hour in the street, and if I seeThat I go down half a ration of glucose as I ask for the body.
Before he wore juice, candies, cookies, coca-cola with sugar, etc .... What becomes a suitcase only for diabetes.At the same time I discovered for the hypos a liquid glucose called "gluc up" in pharmacy, which was luxurious as well as the cookies stuffed with Nocilla, which are death.
It has only been glucose candies for months that he bought on a website that is based in Madrid, called "Glucoup".For me the best are some that come in a large boat of about 200 units I think, transparent and with orange cap.The candies have two flavors and a drawing of one sport each.
I hope I have helped you.I learned from the error success, because I didn't know any place to learn.