Something happens if you are not hungry or thirst?
06/28/2022 5:31 p.m.
Can you give me hypoglycemia? For a long time I force myself to eat and drink something !!I never have hunger or thirst (today I have not had breakfast or have the food) and so they pass The days, dinner dinner but I don't understand why I don't feel like it .... Perhaps metformin and trulcyity is controlling me a possible hypo?
Diabetes Tipo 2 (2014) con 38 años - Neuropatía Diabética (2013) - Polineuropatía Diabética sensitiva axonal moderado-grave en miembros inferiores (2021) - Jubilado en 2022 con 45 años. (Synjardy (Mettformina) - Trulicity - Ozempic - Gabapentina). HBA1c: 4,5%. Discapacidad del 35% - Presbicia con 45 años (ya no veo de cerca, pero no hay retinopatía diabética en los ojos). Abuela materna y Abuela paterna e tíos diabéticos tipo 1
You will have to reduce the doses for the hopis talk to your doctor