I am type 2 diabetic for 22 years.
Currently a pill tomorrow-night, insulin 3 times a day, (30-30-50), once up to 4 times, I no longer know where to click to measure my, that your endocrine has given the arm meters, I have asked for several times .... negative.
They give me 3 boxes and 50 needles every 50 days, I have made such a calculation above and I think the cost is approaching or equals 2 meters.
Then it will not be for the price, because they do not want to give me ..... who should go, by the way much more than a year ago that I have not had an appointment with her, in my case, analytical every 6 months +/--And walking .....
How can I get them to give them?
Thank you!
DM 2 hace 22 años
Compectant 15/850
Novomix50 ( 30-30) mañana/mediodi - novomix30 (60) noche
Glicada ultima - Stbre/21.....7,6
I do not understand how it does not meet you, you may
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Because they are financed for type 1 I have fought to have it with a great lackthe 18 and for the rest they are poorly controlled like me
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Nor lada guy say that they are given that percent is the one that also diagnosed me but I will say that I am type 1
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match53 said:
I am type 2 diabetic for 22 years, currentI know where to click to measure myThey give 3 boxes and 50 needles every 50 days, I have made such a calculation above and I think the cost is approaching or equals 2 meters ..... Then it will not be for the price, because they do not want to give me ..... to whom I should go, by the way much more than a year ago that I have not had an appointment with her, in my case, analyze every 6 months +/- and walk ..... how can I get them to give them?.
I don't know what CCAA you are.In Andalusia my endocrine told me that they were already giving it to type 2 with insulin in the 3 meals (that's why I don't give it to me, because I need only at breakfasts and for certain meals and corrections).I think it's your case, if you are from Andalusia Peléalo.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
According to my doctor, the endocrine has answered that as I have already taken it well (according to glyd) that there is no need for a visit ......?, that's how we go, I don't know who should go from the SS to claim these patches, who repeat a partner who only clicks 2 times and is much better than me, they gave them.
DM 2 hace 22 años
Compectant 15/850
Novomix50 ( 30-30) mañana/mediodi - novomix30 (60) noche
Glicada ultima - Stbre/21.....7,6
Well, I am sorry to tell you that a 7.6 gyzed is not to wear it well.We have to be between 6 and 7. Put a claim in your health center, it is the only thing that occurs to me.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
Change doctor.You don't have another one and it is in endocrine that the glycemia sensor prescribes you
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
Talk to your endocrine first.Above 7 is not to be well, and they have criteria to give the sensors.If that doesn't work for you, find out other insurance endocrine in your city.You have the right to choose at any time you want.
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I should ask my doctor to ask me for an interview with my endocrine, is it like that?
DM 2 hace 22 años
Compectant 15/850
Novomix50 ( 30-30) mañana/mediodi - novomix30 (60) noche
Glicada ultima - Stbre/21.....7,6
Exactly, endocrine in Spain are the only ones assigned to you glycemia sensors.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
match53 said:
I am type 2 diabetic for 22 years.
Currently a pill tomorrow-night, insulin 3 times a day, (30-30-50), once up to 4 times, I no longer know where to click to measure my, that your endocrine has given the arm meters, I have asked for several times .... negative.
They give me 3 boxes and 50 needles every 50 days, I have made such a calculation above and I think the cost is approaching or equals 2 meters.
Then it will not be for the price, because they do not want to give me ..... who should go, by the way much more than a year ago that I have not had an appointment with her, in my case, analytical every 6 months +/--And walking .....
How can I get them to give them?
Thank you!

A few months ago in a conversation with the endocrine that takes me, I comment that I started badly diagnosed as type two and that I had no right to glucometer, strips and sensors.He told me very clearly, there are so many DM2 and so many variants, that the use of glucometers and sensors cannot be standardized, especially because of the cost it would be for health.
He left me thoughtful, and in a way he is right, especially in the number of variants in type 2. In the costs I do not share it at all since there are some type two that I am sure that they are poorly diagnosed andThey need more controls.
I was badly diagnosed and without controls almost six years, in that period I made myself with a gluconetro and I ever took glucose only out of curiosity, without knowing how serious the diabetes was, I had some reading of 65 and others of 540,Today I know that because of the header doctor I could have had complications.
Are you sure type two?.My endocrine told me that a third may be diagnosed for not doing a test that would give the certainty of what each one has.
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Well someone I would know how to tell me so that machines are compatible the Countour TS strips, apart from the contaur TS.Thank you
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I think each meter model uses its strip. They are not compatible .....
DM 2 hace 22 años
Compectant 15/850
Novomix50 ( 30-30) mañana/mediodi - novomix30 (60) noche
Glicada ultima - Stbre/21.....7,6