I started 10 months ago with the diagnosis and from there I take metformin of 850 1 unity daily.I take care of me at meals and do sports.
I started with a HabC1 of 7 and in the last analytical analysis he gave me 5.7.
So quite well.Every day I start my day at 6:30 and when measuring glucose it gives me between 100 and 110 generally.
My question is like controlling the rise that occurs on an empty stomach after 8:00 am.I measure me and I am between 110 and 120.
I planned to start taking the medicine at night and not in the morning.
Does anyone else happen to you?
Thank you!

I was diagnosed with dm2 year and peak, ketoacedosis admitted for a few days, insulin ....
Nowadays I take a metformin pill 850 at noon, fasting glucose around 80.
Type 2 diabetes is an insulin resistance.
Do you have overweight or obesity?Do you have a gut?
The advice they give you is diet and exercise, and lose weight, but .... what is diet, what is exercise?
I have echoed the diet of the healthy dish of Oxford, 50% green, 25% protein, 25% hydrates.
Hydrates .... Do not eat bread, anything with flour, etcof coconut, and in extra virgin extra.Eat fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, etc. ... rich in omega 3 "anti -inflammatory" summarizing diet, enough in the diet of the plate, real food, minimizing hydrates, and no prosecuted or flours.Use apple vinegar in the salad or a teaspoon before eating and tomatoes a curcma infusion or dessert ginger.Shambow milk and yogurts are bad, they have more serum (lactose) and vitamin D leaves with fat, also satiate less and you will be hungry faster.
What have I eaten today?Salad with cucumber tomato onion spinach agiacate and red pepper spinach, of second grilled salmon with soy sauce accompanied by sauteed peas with a little paprika, in 5 hours I do not have hunger again.
What is exercise ???
Go to walk ???
My advice, walking is well, 3 times a week 10,000 steps in a row, about 6km/h on average.Do not pass yourself do not run, do not go crazy on the bike because you are going to burn fat and muscle.
Go walking, but as a complement to the exercise of strength, if you are going to lose weight you will lose muscle, and ... who eats the glucose?Well, the muscle, you need to improve the muscles you are already fat or thin, almost more important than losing weight.
But that exercise costs you, 3 series of 15 maximum repetitions, 40s rest between series.If you arrive at 15 and you could follow it is as if you do nothing, you have to approach the failure, increase the weight.
When strength working you will reduce visceral fat and lipotoxicity.
I believe that if you have diagnosed you 10 months ago you are not to improve, but to send.That if to refer is a change for a lifetime, do not infles yourself to macaroni in a year !!!If you run away a car and recover, if you get in front of the car ......
It is clear that what we have done in the last 20 years has led us to this, we cannot do the same again.
Well, parrafada ....... This has worked for me, perfect analytical, that glucose day 76, glycosilada 5.3, I remind you that I enter urgencies and spent 4 days admitted.