Hi, I'm new and I would like to know if there is a WhatsApp group.
Thank you
WhatsApp group
Hi, I'm new and I would like to know if there is a WhatsApp group.
Thank you
Hello, I have been insulin for a short time, for me we could create one.
I have not seen any, maybe it has happened to me ...
Hello, I am also new.I don't know if there is WhatsApp group.
66 años. DMII desde 6/22. Jardiance 10 1/0/0. Metformina 850 0/1/1. Ozempic 0’50 1 semanal. Hb A1c mayo/22: 12’1- octubre/22: 6’1
Hello, yes, there is.
Write a private with your phone number A: @marine
Type 2 diabetics have a place in that whasapp or is it for type 1 ???
Diabetes Tipo 2 (2014) con 38 años - Neuropatía Diabética (2013) - Polineuropatía Diabética sensitiva axonal moderado-grave en miembros inferiores (2021) - Jubilado en 2022 con 45 años. (Synjardy (Mettformina) - Trulicity - Ozempic - Gabapentina). HBA1c: 4,5%. Discapacidad del 35% - Presbicia con 45 años (ya no veo de cerca, pero no hay retinopatía diabética en los ojos). Abuela materna y Abuela paterna e tíos diabéticos tipo 1
pyrri said:
type 2 diabetics we have room in that whasapp or is for type 1 ???For everyone