Hello everyone.
I am new in the forum and in this diabetes too, since I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last April, with an fasting sugar of 172mg/dl and glyd 7.1%glygic hemoglobin.The endocrine prescribed me metformin 850, a pill for breakfast and another at dinner.
From this date 07-04-21 to today 06-26-21 I have put myself on diet and exercise and I have lowered 10 kg. This Monday and Tuesday I have my first 2 analysis, specific to the diabétes 2: Monday theof blood and urine and on Tuesday Nugent test (I have to take at night at 11:00 p.m. a dexamethasone pill).
The endocrine did not explain to me if before these two analyzes (which are on 10 h fasts) it should take the medication that sent me or not.My question is whether I take the metformin the night before and also when I get up to go to the analytics or not (for being able to alter the results of the glucose, etc.).
I cannot ask the endocrine since the next appointment they have given me is for mid -September and then I asked the doctor of Cabera and he told me that the morning pill did not take it but did not tell me what time the time should takeFrom the night before the analysis so that it did not affect the result, it did not give me any explanation of why and I did not see it very safe when telling me;And on the Internet I am reading that doctors say if metformin should be taken before the analysis, so I am made a mess.
As the analysis I have this Monday and Tuesday, I would very much appreciate some answer because I do not know what to do and maybe then the results of the analysis for something that I have done wrong do not use me.
Greetings and thank you all.