Do you know if you can buy articles for diabetics such as feathers,, glucometers insulin infuses pumps etc by online stores such as Amazon, Diabetik ???I comment because there are people ... Ke things are bought for those stores
Articles for diabetics
Do you know if you can buy articles for diabetics such as feathers,, glucometers insulin infuses pumps etc by online stores such as Amazon, Diabetik ???I comment because there are people ... Ke things are bought for those stores
The feathers do not believe, it is a medication with recipe, but the rest yes.I buy strips for Free by Amazon.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
unachicacondt1 said:
I live in Mexico and bought my glucometer and the strips on Amazon.
Desde México. DB2. Metformina c/ 12hrs. No insulina. HCG22/02/21: 9.0. HCG 18/04/21: 7.4