People who only use the glucometer when do you soly do control?When do you start noticing the symptoms ... or do you wait for the 2 hours to pass?
People who only use the glucometer when do you soly do control?When do you start noticing the symptoms ... or do you wait for the 2 hours to pass?
Good, pre -established control is before meals and 2h later.
If you notice symptoms, too.
diabetikafenix said:
people who only use the glucometer when do you soly do control?When you start noticing the symptoms ... or you wait for the 2 hours to pass?hello.Normally the glucose you take it on an empty stomach (8-12 hours).For example if you have 10pm dinners, at 8am you already have 10 hours of fasting, there you can take glucose.
After food, at 2 hours you should also measure glucose.
I don't know if you are looking for values for type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
In type 2:
fasting glucose, it must be less than 110mg
2 hrs post food, less than 140mgThere are also other values that you can review in medical studies:
cholesterol, less than 200mg
Triglycerids: less than 150mg
Blood pressure: less than 130/85 mm
Glycosylated hemoglobin (3 previous months) less than 6.5%These values were extracted from the ISSSTE diabetic control manual in Mexico, and they agree perfect with the values that my doctor and those that are read in all the literatures that I have consulted of reference, with solid medical argument.
Desde México. DB2. Metformina c/ 12hrs. No insulina. HCG22/02/21: 9.0. HCG 18/04/21: 7.4