03/08/2021 2:34 a.m.
Hello, friends
I am a 5 -year -old diabetic child.He debuted from baby.Now I have problems with Tresiba.He put 7 units of Tresiba in the morning, he was going very well all day he could even eat without clicking in mid-morning, but at night between 2-3 in the morning he had hypos, 48-56 mg/dl.The educator recommended me to lower the threeiba up to 5. I have not listened to her, because Tresiba you have to go down from 1 in 1, never two suddenly.I also caught it several times on 80 in blood .. just.Then I went down to 5 to avoid hypos ... and now every hour and a half punctured (1.5 one apidra) wait, another puncture (1.5 one) wait, another prick 0.5 a .. I have not sleeped for 4 days.Some hyperglycemia to 320 and there is no way to lower sugar.
I am not a rookie in this but I am very clear that my son needs 6.5 from Tresiba.But Tresiba is not marketed in Spain in medium units format.So my question is, someone has tried to combine and put 6 and 7 units?It is very good insulin, but with such young children it costs a lot to find the dose.Maybe you can recommend some trick.I can no longer.The night is a nightmare for me.
I have thought about trying toujeo but not recipe for children under 8 years.Lantus we have tried, in our case it was a failure and less.
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Hello good,
The first mood and patience because these things are unfortunately normal that happen.
I tell you the toujeo I use it today and the same thing happens to me, what I am doing is dinner 1 ration of hydrates and not get fast, I get to 160 but in the morning I wake up in 100-110.
If I lowered the toujeo then all day ... the same as your son.
Sometimes it is also a matter of playing with food, or giving it a yogurt before bedtime are usually tricks to avoid that.
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You can buy loose insulin needles and remove insulin from the pen through the buffer.I do it when they end because there is usually 8 units in Toujeo about 10 in Novorapid.

Of course, you will have to calculate the proportions.The needle are milliliters (ml) and the feathers are units, I use toujeo that has 300uds/ml and comes with 1.5 ml.
In my case 16 units are 0.05ml and the needles go 0.1, 0.2, .... 1ml.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
@Ruthbia I just freak out with what you do.I think the simplest thing for feathers that no longer have the minimum of units is that the endrocine reset units above what is necessary ..
Leñes we are not doing a black market of this ... that for our use.
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I learned in the debut, I had no needles for the feathers and it was festive.In the emergency department they gave me those needles.I was 4 days.
I have monthly insulin and I have plenty of recipes, I did it to try how much insulin remains in each pen.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.