Well, I tell you our experience. My woman is 50 years old, it is diabetic since the ageHe went to do a study, and in days they operated on three cardiac bypass. The post operative is complicated, has edema in the legs, and liquid in the lung plura, I do not know what to do because doctors do not give on the key.
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I can't help you, I'm very sorry, but I hope someone here can.I only write to tell you that much encouragement and all my support (although I know that in these cases of little ok) I hope you recover soon and get the cause.
T1 diagnosticada a los 24, tengo 32.
Además soy celiaca y con muchas alergias e intolerancias alimentarias, entre ellas profilina. Recientemente diagnosticada con hipotiroidismo también.
That is a cardiology problem.Here, we can hardly help you.Trust doctors.
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