A person with diabetes has high blood sugar levels.With the passage of time this can cause problems in certain parts of the body such as kidneys, nerves, feet, eyes, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and digestive and renal diseases.
Apart, he mentions that having diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease, as well as bone or joint disorders, or skin problems, in the digestive system, sexual dysfunction, and even problems in the teeth and gums.
Meanwhile, the International Diabetes Federation recalls that in front of the current Covid-19 Pandemia, the elderly and those who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma, seem more vulnerable to becoming seriously ill by infected by the newCoronavirus Sars-Cov-2.
"When people with diabetes develop a viral infection can be more difficult to treat due to fluctuations in blood glucose levels and, possibly, to the presence of diabetes complications," he says.
Specifically, he quotes that there are two reasons for this: first, the immune system is compromised, which makes it difficult to fight the virus and probably lead to a longer recovery period.Second, the virus can prosper in a high glucose environment in the blood.
In this sense, in an interview with Infosalus, the elected president of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) Dr. Antonio Pérez explains that diabetics, older people and those with heart disease or asthma are more vulnerable to getting sick moreSerious with any viral infection, be it flu or infection by COVID-19.
"In the case of COVID-19 infection, available information suggests that people with diabetes generalof glycemic control during disease days, which can also contribute to the greatest seriousness of the infection, "says the expert.
The member of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (Barcelona) adds that the reasons for this greater gravity in people with diabetes have been attributed, first of all, that the immune system is compromised, which hinders the fight against the virus and probably leads to a longer recovery period.
"This is favored by the existence of a bad control of glucose, of fluctuations in blood glucose levels due to infection and the presence of diabetes complications and other diseases," he adds.
At present there is no information related to diabetes being more dangerous than others against COVID-19, according to Dr. Pérez: "Evolution depends on other factors such as age, the degree of diabetes control, the presenceof chronic complications or other pathologies.
Thus, the president-elect of thirst wants to make it clear that the risk that a person with diabetes has to contract the infection caused COVID-19 is the same as that of the general population, although if the infection is contracted its severity and evolution canBe different, according to age, the degree of diabetes control and the presence of chronic complications or other pathologies, according to Matiza.
"Although people with diabetes haveThe same probability of spreading through the Coronavirus as the general population, if they contract its severity and evolution it can be worse, "insists the specialist of the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (Barcelona).
In addition, remember that it must be taken into account that insufficiently compensated diabetes affects evolution in case of the disease, so it is fundamental in this epidemic period to adjust glycemia to the maximum.
"It is important that people with diabetes strictly follow the protection and insulation measures recommended by the health authorities, maintain the best possible glycemic control, have the necessary material for the treatment, apart from having at hand the instructions of your doctor orNurse in case of illness, "advises the specialist ultimately.