Hello, I leave my last day "today without clicking."Yesterday I click the last time at 00:00, 2 doses of Rapid and 19 of Lentus.Throughout today I did not click why I had many downs, I on average put about 4 or 5 rapid and a lot and still lowered me.What do you think can be?Diabetic honey?Type 2?I am not really confused.Thank you

Tengo diabetes desde el martes 9 de junio del 2020. Tipo 1.
Llevo el FREESTYLE Desde el 30 de Julio. Todo muy bien, con subidas y bajadas pero aprendiendo a controlarme más cada día. Gracias por el foro.
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Hello Pablo.
And, if you are injecting too much slow insulin? .... because, for what you send, it seems that the descents occur between the meals.
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@"Pablo Asturianin"
I put myself many times in the average principle of insulin (q The truth is the same as nothing) because my endocrine did not like that it would eat without getting fast insulin.Of course, I put only 4 units of slow insulin.You seem that you get a lot.But it is complicated because it seems that you are doing well.You have gotten up very similar to how you lie down and that can indicate that the amount of slow you put on.They gave me low at night.It does not seem to be your case.If you see you give you low, you will have to adjust slow insulin.And I think you have done well in not putting fast insulin.It seems that at the moment with the slow one you wear well.But you have to be very aware in case your body changed.Remember the rule that we continue for three days.Three days with error means changing doses.Because at a meal you are high or low, it does not mean that you have to change your doses.It is a mistake that I made at first.And if you change continuously in the end you don't know what your factors are.You have to do it calmly and as they say cold blood.Without rushing
All the best
DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6
From the first analysis they did after losing a lot of weight, being hungry always, having a lot of thirst, etc., they already told me that I had type 1 diabetes, I insulin that same day that the results gave me.Afternoon a few months to see an endocrine.A long time ago and I don't remember dates well, but I spent a year or more than my glycemia were always fine, but if I remember putting insulin because from day one I have never stopped doing it.It was the honeymoon, then used mixed insulin.
If you have been just in the diagnosis, you will be in the honeymoon.If you have dances, the insulin drops.
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You could
emi1990 said:
can be honeymoon
I think it's the honeymoon.
I leave you link to theme:
Looking on the Internet and reading the forum I have seen that the "honeymoon" in diabetes is discussed.
In an article I have literally read: "In the field of diabetes, the honeymoon is ...
Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.
Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.
It looks like a honeymoon, after 5 years I still use little inauline, I have to be at the limit of finishing.
LOW 2 UDS Slow to see what comes out
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
You do not mention when they diagnosed you with diabetes.For many patients diabetes begins to manifest with hypoglycemia.At this stage it is advisable to go to the endocrine and nutritionist to send you a diet appropriate to your needs and start adequate control.Eating a lot when you have hypo is not the solution, what happens is that you are not controlling your disease and you are driving your pancreas crazy, which is fatal, since those peaks significantly affect your kidneys.
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