In Mexico there are between 12 to 14 million diabetic people, according to the National Survey of Chronic Diseases (ENEC).

Among the complications of the disease stands out retinopathy, which affects up to 40 percent of people with this disease that are economically active.

It is common for diabetes not to manifest any warning signal, for this reason the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the first complete ophthalmological assessment should be performed at the time of the diagnosis of this evil.

Ana Leticia Ramírez Hernández, medical director of the Vamos Vista Foundation, stressed that “a high percentage of diabetes patients are diagnosed when the disease is already very advanced and therefore in the course they have developed a diabetic retinopathy, the main cause of blindness andirreversible visual weakness. ”

According to a statement from said organization, “given the alarming figures of patients with diabetes and the increase in them in the coming years, the 2018 Foundation campaign will be prevention of blindness in the diabetic patient, with the aim of sensitizingPeople with this evil of the importance of early ophthalmological care, preventing the devastating eye consequences of this disease. ”

To achieve the goal throughout the year we will see will carry out visual health days and informative talks for diabetic patients.

It was also detailed that the next date will be this June 2 on CDMX, which will be free and will be aimed at prevention, diagnosis and treatment of high ophthalmological specialty.The quota is limited and those interested can book 5561 0408 or email