Good afternoon friends My consultation is the next destroy of the month I travel to Malaga for my wife to serve her nationality as the safe process will take, I want to know if at the airport they will not make a problem to take my medication for 5 months
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Take a report from your doctor, but there will be no problem.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
@leo1970, I don't think there is a problem either.Remember, insulin in hand suitcase in cabin.Never in winery.
Greetings and that goes well in Malaga lands.
Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.

Tomorrow travel.I'll be out 3 months.Two suitcases just my diabetes.But nothing, we are normal.& GT; :) & GT; :)
Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.
I travel all over the world, with my insulin.And I have never had problems.
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My mother, 2 suitcases for diabetic material "!!!! Where are you @solaria?
When I travel, a maximum of insulin and needles with me plus the medical certificate in Spanish, English and Chinese (my company translated it with an official translator for a trip that sent me).Free sensors go in the suitcase, nothing happens to them.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
@Ruthbia, I'm Sudaca, and twice a year I go to my country and I spend half of the year.
And having insulin pump you have to load a lot of material.And also in case of bomb failure, we must take material to move on to conventional therapy.
Also all sensor material.
I carry everything in a suitcase, I die of anguish to think that my cellar suitcase is lost.
Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.
In that case, transatlantic trips are a risk, especially if it goes through London, there they lose everything.
Doesn't your country according to the Spanish SS?It has many South American countries, I reviewed it for a long time for a trip, but surely the SS website indicates with which countries there are agreements and how to manage it.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
Good, I am from Malaga, this summer trip to Switzerland and neither here nor there they told me anything on the subject of insulin
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