I debuted in diabetes at age 13 (1979)
And I have always resisted calling myself with my same diabetics, since I do not consider that the one who defines a disease benefits me.In fact, I think it harms me.Since I am not a disease, my body has a dysfunction that I consider temporary and in healing.
Over time I have realized that what we think, feel and say forms, and has the power to manifest in our reality.
I invested time in relaxation, in healing my thoughts, in bringing a way of life without extrees, not having so much control for everything, not being so perfectionist.Love me more and take my life more serene.
I have had very good results.Every time I need less insulin and I find myself better.And I plan to continue improving.
Knowing that we are not diabetic but that we have diabetes, predisposes us to improve.Because that can change.
I wanted to share it because I think it is important and in case someone resonates.