Hello good!
With that age I also went to Rome hahaha, nothing, I took a paper with all the medication I had to carry and little else and they didn't tell me anything about insulin, but it depends on whoever caught, it's like everything, I also talk to you aboutMore than 15 years ago, but I also talk about insulin bottles, syringes, and other repertoire we had before ... 😅😅😅😅
Now when I travel, I don't usually have a problem, I don't travel around the world either, but in Europe something and 0 problems, yes, drinks nothing at all, and once they have looked bad at the cooling plates, which have ever returnedDefrosting, but I explain it, I show it and let me pass.
For the descents, I take gummys or chuches, candies, something, or if not, sugar shot and andast.
Anyway I have always had faith in humanity and if there are nothing bad there is nothing, I always think they will not let you die, they will give you a Coca Cola or something hahaha hahaha, another thing is that they make you pay when you recover 😆😆😆😆
In theory you should take glucagon, but I on a trip, I have never taken it, badly done?Well, I guess, but I don't.
Crónicas de un diabético gamer y currante a turnos 24x7