Since yesterday we are using toujeo insulin.
Yesterday 16 units was placed for the first time, it was all day at 400 and 300 mg/dl
From 7 pm he began to stabilize glucose, he got up over 105, perfect, he slept over 140 mg/dl.
But today it has all day the same, in 200 and 300mg/dl based on correcting with novorapid ... do you know if I lack insulin?
Or because from 7 pm it stabilizes and does not rise but if it lowers me 2mg/dl at the time.
Before I used Levemir 18ui Día and 8 UI Night.
Thank you!
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The toujeo usually takes to notice the change 1-2 days.Anyway, less dose is being made than a lesspy, you may need to adjust.I changed from Lantus to upload several units.In your case it was put in total of Levemir 26, if you have started with 16 it is surely very little.
DM1 desde 2003 | Toujeo + Humalog | FreeStyle 2 | HbA1c 5.5
Surely you will need more units, I changed from Tresiba to Toujeo I had to upload 10 units.
DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1
It also happens to me at breakfast with the toujeo, as it is difficult to start.The 1st days had more than 240 2h after the deayuno but then throughout the day I stabilized.Now I smell 19u at 11pm and I am doing well, I still get a lot more at breakfast than in the snack for example eating the same, but if you are fasting below 130mg and at 2h you have more than 200 will have to click you moreFast
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11/15/2019 12:08 p.m.
naiveout said:
It also happens to me at breakfast with the toujeo, as it is difficult to start.The 1st days had more than 240 2h after the deayuno but then throughout the day I stabilized.Now I smell 19u at 11pm and I am doing well, I still get a lot more at breakfast than in the snack for example eating the same, but if you are fasting below 130mg and at 2h you have more than 200 will have to click you moreRapida
Could it be that I don't hold you 24 hours?I click Toujeo at breakfast and always arrived high, now I sulked it two hours after breakfast and everything perfect.I correct the end of the toujeo effect with the rapid breakfast.
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Well, everything is uncontrolled, I don't know what to do already ... the endocrine sends you 16 units of toujeo and we are already for 20 units .. 3 portions are eaten at noon and click 4 of novorapid ... and at 2 hours you haveto correct with 2 or 3 units .... then lower 80mg/dl.It eats half a ration or a ration and in 30 minutes it is put in 2p0mg/dl ... at night: there are days that falls in 170 and gets up in 120. And there are nights like today that it has it in 170 and the02.00 in 259. It is corrected with 2 and rises in 175 ... I don't know what I'm going to do for God .. I'm desperate
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They changed my Lantus to Toujeo and I didn't last with her for a month.What a lack of control!
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"Quote" "Davidag2000" & Gt; I changed my Lantus to Toujeo and I didn't last for a month.What a lack of control!
The same thing happened to you ??
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Before the food 158. like 3 portions and I get 5 of Novorrapid ... reason for putting 5 units today is that I have been in the hour or 2 hours to raise the sugar ... but today II put 5 units and at eating it I have it in 120, I like one more ration, (quick and a half slow average) at 2 hours of eating I have it in 60 so I take 3 envelopes of sugar and 20 bread .....
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This is the superior message ...
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@Salvador_Antequera, I think that when you opened the subject, what was missing was fast., because the night was stable.
Maybe now you are too slow.
Start by adjusting the slow seeing how you spend the night.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
regina said:
@Salvador_antequera, I think that when you opened the subject, what you needed was fast., because the night was stable.
Maybe now you are too slow.
Start by adjusting the slow seeing how you spend the night.
Hello Regina.I tell you.But the night before yesterday I got from 200 to 60.And last night of 160 he went up to 270 ... as I am going to regulate it for God ...
For example 1 hour ago in 66 and down, I take 3 envelopes of sugar and 20 bread.In the blood I was in 52 .... Well, now in 200 and the arrow up, I have it in 250, I correct myself with 2 Novorrapid
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I upload photos of the trend at night
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To regulate a new insulin, make hair controls.I would not trust Free to make corrections.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Regina.It gives me difference not exceeding 20 However, I do them in the blood.
My God that I am doing wrong ... I have it in front and I do not see it
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regina said:
Maybe now you are too slow.
Start by adjusting the slow seeing how you spend the night.
If I was too slow, it would come down a lot, right?
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Yes, I would go between meals and at night.It would wake up under.
Move the slow one in one unit.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
regina said:
yes, would go down between meals and at night.It would wake up under.
Move the slow one in one unit.
Regina ... but where I move them .... If it does not eat anything between me ... and if you eat it is because you have it in 80 or 100mg/dl ... you eat a ration or average ...And it rises to 200 ......
For breakfast, there are 4 portions and puts 5 and 6 fast ...
That's why I tell you ... Where do I shoot ???
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