I am 67 years old.In 1981 I was diagnosed with diabetes 1. After more than 41,000 insulin injections and many others to click on the fingers for the glucometer, I still give war, with an H. Glucosilada of 6.5.Although I have smoked (for 5 years "vapeo"), and I drink and like everything.
Being diabetic, I will engenders two wonderful females, which are now 33 and 34 years old that after finishing higher races, are very well placed (in the labor sense of the term).I am also a grandfather of an unbeatable grandson.
In summary, I am a happy diabetic, and after the gift that my daughters and wife (the free style free), I am even more so.I have stopped suffering from hypoglycemia that have bitter the existence of my holy wife (37 years of coexistence, 35 years of hypoglycemia).
Diabetics have a dysfunction equal to the one who loses an arm.We can overcome it, such as Cervantes.