Indeed, it is not the same.
You can control and decide how much you eat, what exercise you do, etc.
With a two -year -old girl, you don't know how much food you feel like it, or how much you are going to run in school, or in the park every day.
Nor does he understand that he has to eat the 100gr of potatoes that you have prepared because you have injected arrangement to that amount, and you have to stuff it so that it does not go to hiccups or you cannot give it more if you want to repeat.We have to, his mother and I, to guess the hunger he has in each meal.
And if you have an obstruction in the pump and it is km away, in the school, or with its grandparents, I do not have it, it has it, and you have to go fix the matter I caught you where you catch you.
And if you refuse to take a glucose pill with a 50 -year -old hypo, because you have no knowledge with your two years, I will call you that you are very experienced to illuminate us with your wisdom.
Just tell you that I and her mother with your eyes closed would change for her.Not only for all this that I comment, but also because a father or mother will always welcome fate worse if it is accompanied by the disease of a child who of one's own disease.
We are not going to compete, but minimizing or despising the problems of others is quite daring and unpresentable, and I have not done it or do it.
Greetings and that goes well.