The existing conflict at the Castelao College in Rianxo in the case of the student with 5 -year -old diabetes is far from finishing.The situation has recently taken a leap, because the family began a collection of signatures yesterday to claim that they are assigned support personnel to specific needs, that is, the caregiver's square they have been requesting from the beginning.
The truth is that during this week and the previous one there have been significant events that intensified the problem between the direction and the closest environment of the child.First, last Wednesday an excursion was scheduled with students to or Grove, which the Department of Education ended up suspending.
Sources of this organism indicated that "to territorial xephabatura, advertiulle ao center that could not deix fóra dunha excursion to a neno for question of Saúde", so "propose to the center of the center of the Centro Facer unha viaxe só de mañá" and "finally scheduled a soinAll or day », so that the child was not guaranteed to be injected with the necessary insulin.Finally the projected exit was annulled.
On the other hand, the Association of Nenas and Nenos with Diabete de Galicia (Anedia) has received confirmation to hold a meeting with education responsible.It will be next week, where all the details of the Rianxeiro child will be exhibited.
Fight flag
The ane president, Ana Pérez, explained that "or that imos claiming the meeting and that we request that it exists to association: that some have to assume in the attention of do notes with diabetes that are not autonomous."In this sense, the existing conflict in Rianxo has already become the flag of a struggle that different Galician families, day by day, in educational centers, since the protocol approved three years ago cannot force teachers to inject insulin.
"A reality showed that o Protocol and totally insufficient, but we are going to give grazas to mitos teachers who assumed these tarefas even before existence gives existence of document and disposal with maior tranquility and security," said Pérez, to clarify that in this text there areObligations, such as ensuring that a child does not miss an exit because they cannot be treated.