The Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) will announce the commissioning of the National Monogenic Diabetes Registry (RNDM), at the proposal of thirst and is coordinated by the 'Diabetes and Genetic' Working Group of this Company, duringIts XXIX National Congress, which begins this Wednesday.

Monogenic diabetes are 2-5 percent of diabetes cases, and are caused by alterations in genes that participate in the synthesis of insulin, in their secretion or in their function, they have explained from society.

The proposal to initiate this record arises from the need to know the real situation of people with monogenic diabetes in Espala, such as diagnostic strategies, types of treatments, metabolic control and complications situation, deepening the knowledge of interrelations between phenotype andgenotype.

In addition, it is intended to obtain the necessary information for the planning and evaluation of health care in relation to the care of people with this type of diabetes, identify needs in each of these areas to implement improvements based on real Spanish data, andFacilitate preclinical and clinical research in this area of ​​Diabetology, have indicated the diabetics.


During the Congress, other projects such as the 'SED1' study will be announced, promoted by thirst, tries to solve the existing deficit in Spain of updated epidemiological data of our Spanish population with type 1 diabetes. The work coordinator is Dr. FernandoGómez-Peralta, from the Segovia hospital.

The 'Diabet-IC' is another study to highlight that it is in the development phase, which is promoted by thirst and by the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC).It is a multicentric study on the prevalence and incidence of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes in hospital consultations of the national level.The main researchers are doctors Antonio Pérez Pérez (Barcelona) and Luis Rodríguez Padial (Toledo), who justify their realization for the absence of specific recommendations on the management of patients with diabetes and heart failure.

Also, some of the most relevant publications made by thirst members during the last year will be summarized, such as' metformin alters the intestinal microbiome of people with type 2 diabetes without prior treatment, which contributes to the therapeutic effects ofthe drug ';'An activating mutation in STAT3 results in neonatal diabetes through reduced insulin synthesis';'Retinal microperimetry: a new tool to identify patients with type 2 diabetes at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease', and 'The micro-708 stress induced deteriorates the function and growth of the beta cell'.

On the other hand, SED commissioned the 'Consensus and Clinical Guides Working Group' to update the 2010 document on 'Recommendations of the Spanish Diabetes Society for the pharmacological treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes'.

In this 2018 update, nine characteristics are included to describe each pharmacological group: efficacy, risk of hypoglycemia, limitation of use in renal failure, nephroprotection, body weight effects, frequency of side effects, effect demonstrated in cardiovascular risk, complexity and cost.

Each of these elements has a color code, the combination options are detailed and the start and adjustment of the injectable therapies available is detailed.