I tell you, I am studying dietary and for my end of the cycle project I have chosen to do it on the relationship between type II diabetes and the diet.
I am looking for two people who suffer from it, it would simply be to ask you a couple of questions to gather information.It takes nothing and you would help me a mogollón.
Please, if you are interested or meet someone to be, comment below, or write to my email: lauuracd26@gmail.com
Thank you so much!!
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As a dietary student, you will know that, for more than 30 years, type 2 diabetes must be written (using Arabic numbers and not Roman numbers).
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Mamarvazq said:
as a dietary student, you will know that, for more than 30 years, type 2 diabetes must be written (using Arabic numbers and not Roman numbers).
To start I think anyone can be wrong, because if you don't know I am not a walking dictionary.
And I think it is not relevant to the way in which the numbers are written, the message is perfectly understood.
And to finish, if you are not interested in what I have put you and do not comment Gilipolle.
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Little help you will find that attitude.
And keep in mind that in type 2 diabetes genetics is much more decisive than food.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Hi Laura.If you want, I can help you, although not long ago I have been diagnosed, but I can help you in something, tell me
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regina said:
little help you will find that attitude.
And keep in mind that in type 2 diabetes genetics is much more decisive than food.
That is not true.Type 2 in most cases can be prevented or reversed once appears with food changes.If what you say was true how you explain that it has happened in a few years in very few cases to a buried and curiously only in westernized countries.If it were a mainly genetic issue it would not increase and would happen the same worldwide.Genetics has not changed in 1 or 2 generations, thousands of years are needed for that.What has changed are why they eat today, lack of physical activity, etc.That is the main cause of the disease, genetics plays a secondary role.Of course there are more likely people, but with good habits they probably never develop the disease or do so very old.Now there are more cases and younger cases.Even in children there are many cases when a few of years ago they were practically non -existent.
DM1 desde 2003 | Toujeo + Humalog | FreeStyle 2 | HbA1c 5.5
Because the statistics of now are not those of 40 years ago. Before many type people2, nor did I know that it was, or what they died.
Many people who feed correctly develop a type2 and, people who do not develop it.
Once it appears, it is true that the food low in hydrates the improvement., Because they can be fixed with their own insulin.
But genes are the main cause of many diseases and the more genetics is known, the more the cause is ensured.
Epigenetics is also important, of course, but without genes that predispose it will not appear a certain disease.
Another thing is that the whole body is damaged by making barbarities.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Beatrizbs said:
Hi Laura.If you want, I can help you, although not long ago I have been diagnosed, but I can help you in something, tell me
Hi Beatriz, no matter that you have diagnosed you recently, any help is good.Could you write to my email to get in touch with you?
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@Regina WHO data
Data and figures
The number of people with diabetes has increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (1).
The global prevalence of diabetes* in adults (over 18) has increased from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014 (1).
The prevalence of diabetes has increased faster in medium and low income countries.
Diabetes is an important cause of blindness, renal failure, myocardial infarction, stroke and amputation of the lower limbs.
It is estimated that in 2015 diabetes was the direct cause of 1.6 million deaths.Other 2.2 million deaths were attributable to hyperglycemia in 2012. **
Approximately half of the deaths attributable to hyperglycemia take place before 70 years of age.According to WHO projections, diabetes will be the seventh cause of mortality in 2030 (1).
The healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintenance of normal body weight and the avoidance of tobacco consumption prevent type 2 diabetes or delay their appearance.
Diabetes can be treated and avoid or delay its consequences with diet, physical activity, medication and periodic exams to detect and treat their complications.
It has multiplied by 4 since 1980. At that time it knew perfectly what the disease is and people did not die without knowing what.That there must be some genetic factor I do not deny it but that the environmental factor is much more important is a fact.A disease that depends mainly on genetics does not multiply by 4 cases in so a few years without an environmental trigger.
Of course there are exceptions in everything and there are always cases of people who eating correctly develop type 2 diabetes and vice versa.We all know some smoker who has died of old man, but that does not mean that if you smoke you are buying many ballots to touch you a cancer.
Genetics gives you some predisposition but in the end what makes it manifest or not the environment and in many diseases that has much more weight than genetics.
DM1 desde 2003 | Toujeo + Humalog | FreeStyle 2 | HbA1c 5.5
@ Yesssica_@, I do not say that poor diet and obesity do not favor the development of type2, but I say that genetics is the determining factor in its appearance.The proof is that they are already healing type2 mice with gene therapy.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
From my short experience I tell you.I am 40 years old, without a family history of diabetes, yes of hypertension.
I have had overweight my life, except when I had my daughter.After a year of giving birth, I began to gain weight.I went to the endocrine on 6 occasions, after 18 years, with many oscillations of weight, I planted in 124 kilos (March 3, 2019), day when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, whose origin is obesity.
From that day, they prescribed me metformin (2 daily) and this week I started my 4 doses of Trulicity 1.5.
The possibility of doing bariatric surgery was considered.Something that has been ruled out for the moment, since in a month, I have managed to lower 10 kg.
In my case, genetics has not influenced at all for my disease, they have been bad eating habits and stop doing physical activity.
I am in time to reverse my life, although, diabetes is not cured, it can be reduced by medication as much as not to take it and control it only with food.
In a month, I do not stop reading and informing myself about diabetes, especially type 2.
While, the hereditary component is true, I believe that the rise of the appearance in young people and even children, is nothing more than the exaggerated abuse of precooked foods, fast foods and the excess sedentary lifestyle of the last decades.
The only guilty of my illness is me, not my genes.
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Well, I'm going to add the following even if you get firewood to the fire.The first answer to the question was disrespectful and bad attitude.The contrary was at the same level.I think in the forum all the questions are valid.
I am type 2 and I have the genetic (hereditary) part as a predisposition factor, it is a proven fact, and also the diet and lifestyle factor influences and how.To date, I have it well controlled, since just over a year.Maintaining my control values.And observing the effects of diet change and exercises.I have been able to know how my body reacts to them.And I wrote type 2 or type II refers to them.
Good day 
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