Approximately 1 and a half ago I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes I was in 216 on an empty stomach I have a history of diabetes but type 2 since my paternal grandfather and my aunt were type 2 and my mother and older brother are also type 2 diabeticDoctor I diagnostic type 1 for age and why there was cetones in the urine but I must say that at that time I was going through a very strong mola infection, the case is that he sent me with glibenclamid pills with metformin and after 5 daysTo take the pill they started giving me minor 60 approx hypoglycemia after breakfast, then left me alone with metformin and 15 days later my medicine took away and left me in pure diet I have read on the honeymoon and my question is this.Can you have a honeymoon without the first treatment of insulin?Or it may be type 2 as in the case of my brother and my mother by the way my brother diagnosed exactly at my age 28 years we were overweight I weighed 107 kilos measured 1.83 and I am 28 years old and I am Mexican.Thanks for your time and I wish you the best