Fungi infections are very frequent and of greater severity in diabetics, appearing frequently on the feet, affecting the soles of the feet, the spaces between fingers and nails.

Several types of fungi can invade the skin of the feet and when breaking it facilitate infections to deep components including bones.

Therefore, it is very important that we eliminate those fungal infections, there are several ways to limit their extension, one of the most effective consists of diluting six tablespoons of white vinegar in a liter of water and using that solution to submerge the feet for a periodclose to 20 minutes every day.

It is preferable to do this before going to sleep.Since fungi also live in shoes, these should also be cleaned properly.

In the case of sports shoes or shoes, detergent and washing machine will be enough to eliminate fungi.Leather or dress shoes must be cleaned once a week with a towel soaked in hydrogen peroxide and put in the sun.

Fungi infections were one of the most frequent causes of labor absenteeism and also the service of the soldiers during the times of the first and second world wars, at many times there were more soldiers that could not fight for the infections they hadon the feet that those who were gunshot wounded.

So it does not surprise you what a medicine that could relieve the ailments of the soldiers covered special military importance.

This was how the investigation that led to the discovery of the undecilenic acid in the 1940s is stimulus. This topical medication in the form of talcum, spray or topical liquid remained secret for the exclusive use of the armed forces of the allies in the Second World Warand obtained a category similar to that of penicillin, as a valuable military medical resource.

It is still very useful and can be found in pharmacies with various commercial names.Several decades later the Tolnaftato appeared and in the 80s the members of the Imidazoles family who can be administered orally or others by endovenous roads began to parade.

Its efficiency is very large and it can be said that they can eradicate more than 80% of the infections, unfortunately they are not cheap, but we have been far from the athlete's foot remedies used by classical Greeks, based on mercury and arsenic thatThey distinguished not so much for healing the infection but by poisoning the patient.

The most important thing is that you remember that despite being a very common infection, it has an important degree of danger if you are diabetic and therefore you should mention your doctor to receive the proper treatment.

Dr. Edgardo Gaitán
Instagram: @Doctorgaitan
*The author is a doctor