Well, you will see, on December 17 (less than a month ago) I debuted in type 1 diabetes (although they still have to confirm the type exactly) and they sent me a series of tests (electrocardiogram, visit to the endocrine, a course for diabetes...) And one of them is the glucagon test, which I have on January 11.
In theory they told me that glucagon click me, going fasting, and they want to see if in front of a glucose rise, my pancreas reacts something.
Have someone done this test?Do I have the truth quite ancient ... is it a dangerous test?
They have never done it to me, but it is not dangerous.They will administer glucagon and look at the pectide C. I am not sure but I think they inject the glucagon. If you are nervous, call you to test and ask what it consists of and so you will stay calm.
@Jotabono is the first time I read something like that ... it must be very new ... or to discard/confirm diagnoses ... I don't know ... let's tell you, you'll tell us!;)
Well, I'll tell you how such!I guess even type 1, it is possible that my pancreas is still making an attempt to segregate insulin, so we are called "honeymoon" the newly debuted.
Well nothing, in the end it has been a simple test.It has lasted about 15 minutes, they have put a way and put me glucagon for the catheter, at 6 minutes it has made a blood and home analysis.The results will give them to me on my next visit.Apparently this test at the Clinic Hospital they do all debutants.
And for that one way ??I had a childbirth 3 months ago and for me the worst were the roads hahahaha measured the contractions in themselves hurt more or less than the roads I was wearing. You will tell us what they have analyzed because I do not understand very well ...
DMT1 desde 1994, Bomba de insulina desde 2016, Freestyle+Miaomiao+Xdrip, última Hemo 5.8%
Good morning.It is the first time that I write here although Leo has been one year ago that I debuted with type 1. I am grateful to all your experience and your comments that I learned I would say casí everything. They also tested the glucagon and I was scared, but it is very simple, a puncture, a few minutes and is already and measures the pancreàtica reserve. Thank you very much to everyone. All the best.
jotabono said: well nothing, in the end it has been a simple test.It has lasted about 15 minutes, they have put a way and put me glucagon for the catheter, at 6 minutes it has made a blood and home analysis.The results will give them to me on my next visit.Apparently this test at the Clinic Hospital do all debutants.
I am not being able to have helped you because I have read your post late. They made it with the debut and they also put me one way and I only remember having spent a lot of internal heat for about 5 minutes.You have already seen that it is nothing but I understand that you were scared, in the face of things that we do not know and with the theme of diabetes always scares. Let's see what your results, courage and patience say. Greetings
jotabono said: well nothing, in the end it has been a simple test.It has lasted about 15 minutes, they have put a way and put me glucagon for the catheter, at 6 minutes it has made a blood and home analysis.The results will give them to me on my next visit.Apparently this test at the Clinic Hospital do all debutants.
I am not being able to have helped you because I have read your post late. They made it with the debut and they also put me one way and I only remember having spent a lot of internal heat for about 5 minutes.You have already seen that it is nothing but I understand that you were scared, in the face of things that we do not know and with the theme of diabetes always scares. Let's see what your results, courage and patience say. Greetings
Exactly, I also noticed that heat, and I got the nausea, but naada, nothing serious!
Samuel11489 said: They have never done me, having to put the glucagon (because I am "unconscious") 2/3 times and gives you a rush of sugar almost at the time ...
Wow ... That is the fear we have all we started, having to pull glucagon.I can ask you if you know what you did wrong or what failed to have those hypoglycemia that left you unconscious?