The Councilor for Citizen Participation, Youth and Sports, Alberto Bustos, today presented the “Diabetes Sport” race/march that will be held in Valladolid on November 19, a test with which, one more year, from the Diabetes AssociationValladolid (Adiva), the activities of World Diabetes Day that is held on November 14 are closed.

The purpose of the race is to promote the usual practice of exercise together with a healthy and balanced diet that helps prevent the appearance of type 2 diabetes. In addition, busts recalled, “physical exercise is a fundamental pillar in the treatment of type diabetes1, helping to maintain good control and reduces the possibility of the appearance of other complications. ”

The march, three kilometers, with departure and finish on the central promenade of the Campo Grande de Valladolid, will not be competitive open to all ages and people who want to participate.You can participate running or walking and all people who wish once the registration of five euros can participate.

Athletic test

As for the race, with a distance of six kilometers, it will be open for all athletes who wish, federated or not, prior registration, with a price for adults, sixteen years and older, also five euros.

The tour will begin in the Campo Grande, to follow Paseo Filipinos, passing through Paseo de Zorrilla, Santiago Street, Plaza Mayor, Calle Ferrari, Duque de la Victoria Street, Plaza de España and arrived again for Paseo del Campo Grande.

Registration can be carried out through the Internet by filling out the online form available on the website or face -to -face in the sports plants of El Corte Ingles de Valladolid, located on Constitution Street, 2 and Paseo de Zorrilla, 130,or at the shaped headquarters located on Pastor Calle Domicio Cuadrado, 4 - local.

Informative tables

In the arrival zone the expo-diabetes will be located, different tents with informative tables on the disease, with more than ten entities that will present their latest news for the prevention and self-control of diabetes, and will develop different activities for free.