In Castilla y León it is estimated that there are more than 300,000 people with diabetes.Therefore, Belén Bernal, president of the Salamanca Diabetological Association, argues that "we must significantly improve the informative and formative level of people with diabetes in this regard."

As Belén Bernal recalls, “the medical professional does not usually have enough time consultation.So, our work as an association is key to supporting the work of health professionals as muchProblems derived from daily coexistence with diabetes ”.

The Spanish Diabetes Federation and the Salamanca Diabetological Association collaborate in campaigns on cardiovascular risk and diabetes.Due to the complications associated with type 2 diabetes, such as the high level of blood sugar, high blood pressure, lipid alteration and obesity, cardiovascular disease is a frequent complication and the main cause of death of peoplethat suffer from it.

The main clinical manifestations of this disease in diabetes are ischemic heart disease, ischemic stroke and arterial obstruction in the lower extremities.However, adequate treatment next to an exercise program and a balanced diet can prevent or reduce this cardiovascular risk.