The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, together with the president of the Murcian Association for Diabetes Care (Admi), Asunción Sáez Sánchez, and the Councilors for Health and Sports, Felipe Coello, and Urbanism, Environment and Huerta, AntonioNavarro, the program of acts have presented on Tuesday on the occasion of World Diabetes Day held on November 14.

This year from the association, an ambitious objective have been proposed: beat a worldwide guinness record, specifically, the bike circulating in a row of one in a race that will take place this Sunday, November 12, leaving at 09.00.Prince of Asturias (next to the Zig-Zag), under the slogan 'pedaling for diabetes'.The goal is to overcome the current world brand of bicycles, which is recorded in 1,186 bikes.

José Ballesta has stated that "in the region more than 100,000 Murcia are diabetic. In addition, we exceed the average of Spain in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, reaching 8.5% compared to 7 percent national. This vertiginous increase in diabetesType 2, which goes hand in hand with the increase in cases of obesity, must alert us about the need to prevent and treat one of the greatest epidemics of the 21st century. "

In this sense, he added that "this pathology with an incidence rate of 14 percent can be controlled and treated to avoid complications, something that is possible to make a change in our lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and physical activity."

The race is a route of 4 kilometers by bicycle or on foot to which all Murcians who want to join to raise awareness about the prevention and treatment of this disease that have a high incidence rate in Murcia are called to participate.

The full itinerary is Avenida Príncipe de Asturias, Juan de Borbón, Juan XXXIII, Ronda Levante, Plaza Circular, Avenida de la Constitución, Plaza Fuensanta and Avenida de la Libertad.From the City Council has collaborated in the organization and logistics of the race.

Tickets to participate can be acquired on the Adirmu website:, at a price of 3 and 5 euros.The collection will be aimed at the development of activities and future projects of the association.

'Diabetes Fest' and glucose tests at street level

The mayor has valued "the work carried out by this association since its birth, now 35 years ago, through a complete team of professionals from various branches and health personnel (doctors, pediatricians, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, pharmacists) who, togetherTo the altruistic work of volunteers, they support patients and their relatives in the treatment against diabetes. "

After Sunday's career, Adirmu has organized on Libertad Avenue the 'Diabetes Fest', which will last from 12.00 to 8:00 p.m., with musical performances, health fair, a Zumba sports marathon sponsored by the Department of Healthand sports, health workshops and a solidarity beach bar.The appointment of the sponsor of honor of Adirmu 2017, Germán Romera will be carried out.

The program of events starts on Friday, November 10 with the conference 'Taking your diabetes is taking care of your heart' in the archaeological museum and ends on Tuesday, November 14, coinciding with World Diabetes Day held under the motto'Women and diabetes: our right to a healthy future'.

That day, throughout the city of Murcia, health tents will be enabled in which free glucose tests, healthy advice, FINDRISK test will be carried out.In the afternoon the round table 'Women and Diabetes' will be held in the Archaeological Museum.

Municipal Action Against Diabetes

The City of Murcia collaborates closely with Adirmu through the different actions promoted by theAssociation, which develops its work from the premises located in the facilities of the Palacio de los Deportes, given last year by the Consistory, and in which free consultations are offered with a multidisciplinary team of health professionals.

In addition, Murcia is the first city of Spain that has incorporated new technologies and the genetic study of the fight against diabetes, in a public initiative for prevention and intervention, which allows the early identification of people at risk of suffering so much this diseaseAs obesity, according to municipal sources.

This innovative pilot program called 'Murcia Diabetes Prevent' was presented a few weeks ago and includes a comprehensive genomic medicine system with a mobile control and monitoring application, which will be applied in a sample of 100 people in the municipality.

Finally, the mayor has advanced that "in the next few days we will announce another pioneer initiative for the prevention and control of diabetes, which will be extended to municipal sports facilities and that will improve health care to children and Murcian adultsThey practice physical activity. "