Dalu, despite all pessimism, today I feel much better compared to how I was in the first years.The change of mentality is usually like changing habits and/or food tastes in people already of a certain age: impossible mission!Let's say that best of all, we are still alive, we understand, after
Of many years, a little better, how this works, and that, we defend ourselves better.
On the other hand I will tell you that I have full memory, because of the age of which it appeared to me, and believe me, it is the night and day. It is my particular experience, my personal circumstances.Others may not have those memories.
All the best.
Desde 1984 diabético tipo 1
Tresiba al mediodía , Apidra en las comidas.
Glicosiladas alrededor de 6,5 %
" La felicidad de tu vida depende de la calidad de tus pensamientos"
Marco Aurelio.
10/27/2017 3:03 p.m.
In truth that Carlos González's attitude is commendable, although the paragraphs that have transcribed have a certain air of synthesis of the Blade Runner movie.Anyway, you always have the feeling of having done what you had to do, and the curiosity also goes ahead.Winning the war is always difficult, but many things can be fixed, especially here, with the diet.I like Blade Runner or Spartacus.And win what is available to one, even more.
Do Androids dream of mechanical sheep?Sure, and if they are Manchego, more.
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I share with you the idea.I never understand or understand those who speak of the DMT1 as a blessing or who live it with joy.For me, just like for you, it is hell knowing that I have to injected today just like yesterday and how tomorrow ...
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