The life of José Pablo Núñez Erramusbea changed when, five months ago, the doctor told him that he suffered from type 1 diabetes and that, therefore, his dream of belonging to the National Police Corps could not come true.There began his particular struggle to claim the right of people with diabetes to be able to opt for public employment.

In Spain, there are more than five million people suffering from diabetes, all of them have obstacles to access some public jobs as it appears in the Official State Gazette (BOE).In the case of José Pablo, his desire to be a national police is not possible as ordered by this official text, the same would even happen to prison official or agents of the Customs Surveillance Service.

«I have been preparing the oppositions to the National Police Corps for five years, and during the selective process, having overcome physical, knowledge, spelling tests, and having performed the biodata, the personality test and the interview, only two twoMonths of finishing the opposition, I have not been able to overcome the medical examination ».José Pablo is diagnosed with 32 years and, according to the order of January 11, 1988, he cannot appear again for this job.

"If I had been diagnosed inside the body I would have had rights that protected me"

«If I had been diagnosed only a few months later and already within the National Police Corps, there would have been some rights that protect me, but when diabetes appears during the process, and although most of the evidence is exceeded, nothing and no oneI protect you, ”explains José Pablo.As the last Baza, the young Sevillian contributed a medical report by the health personnel of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville in which it was ensured that, at present, it has well -controlled diabetes and that it is trained to perform any activity or profession.

However, the opinion of doctors or the result of the rest of the access tests has been useless.José Pablo has seen with 33 years closed the door to his future in the professional career for which he had been preparing."My last cartridge is to start this visibility campaign so that public authorities and state institutions end this labor discrimination suffered by people with diabetes in Spain in access to public employment."

In addition, he has filed an appeal with the hope that this "obsolete anachronism" will be sub -safety."I had a month to present it, I presented it on May 25, they have not answered me for what is administrative silence and now, if they still do not answer, I have six months to file another appeal to the contentious-administrative," he explains.

"is not a disability"

While all this process lasts, the Sevillian has also started in parallel a request for signatures on so that the Government of Pedro Sánchez reviews this criterion.In addition, Royal Decree 1971/1999 of December 23, of procedure for the recognition, declaration and qualification of the degree of disability, attributes to type 1 diabetes a percentage of disabled of 0%.

"Exclusion is an incoherence when diabetes does not have the legal consideration of disability."

Within this request for signatures, everything that is requested is originally from a proposition not of law, presented by the Socialist Parliamentary Group on March 1, 2017 to the Congress table, when the PSOE was still in the opposition.In this NLP, the Congress of Deputies urges the Government to, in the shortest possible time adopt the legal and regulatory measures necessary to make it impossible that the diagnosis of diabetes is cause of generic exclusion for access to public employment, forthus avoid that I canconstitute any discrimination in the labor rights of public employees and employees.

A regulation of 30 years ago

Andoni Lorenzo, president of the Spanish Federation of Diabetes (FEDE), has been working in the "Stop to Diabetes Labor Discrimination" for more than two years, and which explains how negotiations with the different administrations are currently.

Has the Federation attended many claims or advisory requests to the difficulties of accessing certain public jobs?

That's how it is.For years, in the Spanish Diabetes Federation we received continuous complaints from men and women trying to certain public employment jobs without success, being excluded by the mere fact of suffering diabetes, even if they are perfectly trained to develop thePosition in question.

Why this rule?

It is due to the fact that the jobs he alluded to before, are governed by some exclusion medical pictures in which diabetes appears.These paintings date from 30 years, specifically 1988, so they are totally and absolutely outdated with the reality of the medical and clinical advances of diabetes.

Have you claimed this issue from the central government?Has progress been made in this area in recent years?

In Fede we have been working on this matter for more than two years and, through the "stop to discrimination due to diabetes", we have gathered countless times with political representatives of different levels to explain the situation and claim an action on their part: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Congress of Deputies, Ombudsman, etc.At this time, we have made some progress.

In fact, a motion for the update of medical exclusions, mentioned above, which shows that we have the support of political parties was approved unanimously in the Senate.However, despite all this, we have not yet achieved that medical exclusions are reviewed and updated, so we continue working on the matter.