The Valencian pilot has just completed the Mergouza rally, one of the toughest of the Dakar Series.

Its objective: compete in the 2019 Dakar and demonstrate that those affected by type 1 diabetes can compete in equality.Joan Barreda, in his first competition since he left the Dakar for injury, won the Moroccan Raid.

After completing the Mergouza rally, Daniel Albero's goal is to compete in the 2019 Dakar. Dakar Diabetic Equipment "Gas, and insulin that is not missing."

That is Daniel Albero's motto, a Raids Valencian pilot who has imposed the flag and responsibility for giving visibility to chronic disease such as type 1 diabetes.

This young corridor and passionate of the rallies decided two years ago to demonstrate that suffering this type of ailment does not prevent the sport dispute at the highest level.His dream: compete in the 2019 Dakar.

"My goal is to demonstrate that people with diabetes are able to perform any type of activity, however extraordinary or incredible it may seem, whenever we take care of ourselves, of course," says Albero."For many diabetics it is unthinkable to be able to carry out a normalized life.

Therefore, both me and my team, we are responsible for championing a project like this.Never before a motorcycle pilot with type 1 diabetes has participated in the hardest rally in the world, the Dakar, and this 2019 has to be our year, "he says.

Albero, after participating in several races such as Low Spain-Aragón, one of the mythical Rally TT, the PanFrica de Morocco or the Hellas Rally Raid.

However, 'the Dakar diabetic', a title that is proudly, pointed to the Mergouza rally with the aim of gaining visibility and presence in one of the toughest tests of the Dakar Series.Being in the hardest raid in the world is his dream, after almost 50 years seeing how they looked at him weird when he said he wanted to compete.

And at 46, this "musician, half mason and bus driver", as described in an interview with, refuses to accept that he cannot do sports.With 10 years they told him that he could not even bike with his friends, nor in a skateboard, nor do he exercise in excess ...

Nothing that could be contraindicated with a very specific type of diabetes, which affects 5% of the total of those affected by this disease.But with 17 years, while he began to make his first steps as a trumpeter, he discovered the motocross and began to compete for his father.

And so, until today.Finishing Mergouza was his main objective, regardless of staying the 50th in a test won by the Valenciano Joan Barreda in which he has been his first competition after the abandonment of the last Dakar.

Albero was clear that if he managed to complete the almost 1,200 kilometers of dunes and slopes from southeastern Morocco, passing penalties as a very hard heat, he could demonstrate that he can be in the RAID of South America next year.

His "potion", which is the mixture of different types of glucose that has allowed him to finish all stages without injecting insulin, has been a fundamental help, and one more weapon to argue that type 1 diabetics as he can compete in sports testsfirst level.

"It has been a great challenge and shows that we may be going to participate in a Dakar, with even much longer stages, with the necessary reliability and safety in terms of DT1. We have taken impulse and nothing can stop us.

Now it's the sponsors to put on their part.