Anna Novials is the new president of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) over the next three years.Its main lines of action focus on consolidating the objectives of thirst, internationalizing its activity, enhancing education and research in diabetes, promoting transversality with the incorporation of new members of different professional disciplines, encouraging solidarityFinancial resources

The Catalan specialist replaces Dr. Edelmiro Menéndez, head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at the Central University Hospital of Asturias at the head of the thirst.Currently, Anna directs a diabetes laboratory at the IDIBAPS Biomedical Research Institute (August Pi I Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute) and maintains its visits in the Department of Endocrinology of the Clinical Hospital in Barcelona;In addition, he is responsible for Grupo del Ciberdem (Biomedical Research Center for Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases) in IDIBAPS.

“After dedicating myself to diabetes for more than 20 years, as a doctor and researcher, I hope to have the capacity to be able to address the thirst mission in a global way, always with the help of the Board of Directors and the group of professionalsFrom the Technical Secretary, which work day by day for the good execution of the projects and activities, ”says the specialist.


Anna Novials made the Endocrinology MIR at Bellvitge Hospital in Hospitalet in Llobregat in Barcelona, ​​where she acquired a clinical training.Subsequently, he spent a few years in a primary assistance center, "where I realized that the most prevalent disease was diabetes and, at that time, what people needed was information, so organize the first educational sessions with someExcellent nurses. "

Later, explains Novials, “I realized that the treatment or alleged healing of diabetes would only advance with the investigation, so I carried out my doctoral thesis at the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona thanks to a team of excellence in the field of the field of theDiabetes and that served as a platform to advance in the search for the molecular causes of the disease. ”Then, he carried out a stay at the University of Cambridge, where it was formed in molecular biology.

His research works have been published in numerous international scientific journals in the field of endocrinology and diabetes.Their lines of research are mainly focused on issues related to various aspects of the alteration and destruction of the pancreatic beta cell, as well as the benefits of exercise on the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

From the research perspective, Novials is also part of Ciberdem, the Spanish Diabetological Research Network.In this sense, he emphasizes: "The biggest challenge to which I face is the sustainability of research groups and their survival."And, “the budget for research in Spain is very small.It is difficult to advance in the knowledge of the disease if we cannot keep young researchers with talented, add.