Consultation about experiences with the MCG for infusor minimed 640 g

03/16/2018 3:29 a.m.

Good night!!.I tell you that I have type 1 diabetes 19 years.I used three infusors paradigm 715. I am currently with the infusor Minimed 640 G. On 14/2, in office, I placed the continuous glucose meter, a week I attended Medtronic and placed it alone, but badly.I had several more attempts, but the needle does not penetrate the skin and I no longer placed it.
It bothers me a lot to have it, it is very big ... I really know that it would be very useful, but I was cocked.
Does anyone use it ????I would like to know your experience.
Thank you.

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03/16/2018 4:19 a.m.

@MMC, welcome to the forum.Find a category of pumps and meters and you will find a lot of information.The majority of Freestyle partners, others Dexcom and less the Enlite.Keep trying, surely in a few days you get used to it.If you got used to the pump !!.Greetings.

Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.

03/16/2018 9:44 a.m.

Hi @mmc !!!I have been using 640g with the Enlite since this summer.
I summarize.The experience with the, negative bomb, I am currently waiting for the fourth bomb for failures that I have had in the previous ones.I don't know what happens to this model, but I don't stop failing, I'm looking forward to the new 670g to see if it goes better.In addition, as I have the annual contract for the sensor, I have to stay with Medtronic, at least this year.
The sensor is what I am happier, except for its lack of adhesion at the beginning, which I have solved by buying the kinesiological tapes, it has saved me from the multiple inadvertent hypoglycemia that I had before.The fact that it does not insert well into the body has not happened to me, only the adhesion.And what is very big, well, I would also like it to be smaller.I put it in my arms and on the sides of the thighs since in the belly, by lipodystrophies, I cannot.I notice more accuracy in arms than in legs, but it is a matter of getting used to and taking references and not obsessing with the glycometer figure, since for me the most fundamental is the tendency signals.
I hope I have helped you.Greetings!!!

Diabético tipo I desde 1990 y tengo 53 tacos. En Abril de 2017 inicio Bomba con Minimed 640g y su MCG. Hoy estoy con Minimed 780G. Financiado MCG por la SS desde Junio-2018. Hipertensión arterial y ocular. Colesterol. Operado de 2 hernias discales cervicales (C5-C6 y C6-C7) pero con diagnóstico de "Operación fallida". La diabetes todo me lo perjudica....y nos arruina, la Seguridad Social debería financiar A TODOS!!!!! no cuando estás medio muerto como a mí!!!
Última HBA1C: 6,5% (después de muchos años en 9%)

03/18/2018 2:32 p.m.

sllf said:
hello @mmc !!!I have been using 640g with the Enlite since this summer.
I summarize.The experience with the, negative bomb, I am currently waiting for the fourth bomb for failures that I have had in the previous ones.I don't know what happens to this model, but I don't stop failing, I'm looking forward to the new 670g to see if it goes better.In addition, as I have the annual contract for the sensor, I have to stay with Medtronic, at least this year.
The sensor is what I am happier, except for its lack of adhesion at the beginning, which I have solved by buying the kinesiological tapes, it has saved me from the multiple inadvertent hypoglycemia that I had before.The fact that it does not insert well into the body has not happened to me, only the adhesion.And what is very big, well, I would also like it to be smaller.I put it in my arms and on the sides of the thighs since in the belly, by lipodystrophies, I cannot.I notice more accuracy in arms than in legs, but it is a matter of getting used to and taking references and not obsessing with the glycometer figure, since for me the most fundamental is the tendency signals.
I hope I have helped you.Greetings !!!

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03/18/2018 3:54 p.m.

mmc said:
sllf said:
hello @mmc !!!I have been using 640g with the Enlite since this summer.
I summarize.The experience with the, negative bomb, I am currently waiting for the fourth bomb for failures that I have had in the previous ones.I don't know what happens to this model, but I don't stop failing, I'm looking forward to the new 670g to see if it goes better.In addition, as I have the annual contract for the sensor, I have to stay with Medtronic, at least this year.
The sensor is what I am happier, except for its lack of adhesion at the beginning, which I have solved by buying the kinesiological tapes, it has saved me from the multiple inadvertent hypoglycemia that I had before.The fact that it does not insert well into the body has not happened to me, only the adhesion.And what is very big, well, I would also like it to be smaller.I put it in my arms and on the sides of the thighs since in the belly, by lipodystrophies, I cannot.I notice more accuracy in arms than in legs, but it is a matter of getting used to and taking references and not obsessing with the glycometer figure, since for me the most fundamental is the tendency signals.
I hope I have helped you.Greetings !!!

Well, neither a single failure with the sensor nor with the pump.I am delighted with the complete Medtronic system, it is an absolute pass!
I also have 640g

30 años. Diabetes tipo 1 desde los 10
Medtronic Minimed 640g
hA1c: 6%
Sensor Enlite

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