Just a year ago daughter Pedro González was diagnosed with diabetes.Since then this amateur cyclist has not stopped being involved to give visibility to this disease and raise funds for diabetes organizations of the islands.His first challenge: tour 162 kilometers by bike.
More than 230,000 canaries, this is 15% of the population of the islands, suffers from diabetes.50% of them are not diagnosed, so it is very likely to find out when some kind of complication suffers.To give visibility to this disease, which has a great incidence in the Canary Islands and which is considered one of the most unknown pathologies, there are four insular associations in the archipelago and that are integrated into a regional federation: Fadican.
Just a year ago Pedro González learns that his daughter, Ainhoa Michelle, suffers from diabetes.In this way, it comes into contact with the disease and knows its reality, as well as the path that remains to improve to improve the quality of life of those who suffer.
Following the diaanostic Pedro contacts Fadican and discovers the economic needs of this organization, key in the development of diabetes programs on the islands, and decides to contribute its grain of sand.It launches the project solidarity challenges, sweet kilometers, which sells kilometers of different cycling tests and sports equipment with the Fadican logo for those who want to accompany you.
The first test took place on Saturday, when he toured 162 kilometers by bicycle from the island of Gran Canaria and raised about 1,000 euros.
Pedro left at eight in the morning of Moya and returned to the same municipality seven hours later, after having traveled Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Telde, Ingenio, Agüimes, Santa Lucía de Tirajana and the Mirador de Pinos de Gáldar.Neither the heat, neither the calima nor the gusts of wind nor the 3,000 meters accumulated of unevenness discouraged him.Now prepare new challenges, even from the Canary Islands, and everything for a solidarity.