A small pilot study, carried out by researchers at the University of Linköping, in Sweden, provides a ray of light in the treatment of this disease thanks to a promising advance in patients with type 1 diabetes and in its insulin production.

Research Bases

When this autoimmune pathology occurs, antibodies that attack the beta cell proteins of the pancreas, specifically the proteins are often GAD65 (decarboxylase glutamic acid).

This research, called Diagnode, and detailed in the scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine, has focused precisely on this phenomenon, and has based its performance on the injection of the well-known GAD-Alum drug directly on the patient's gang ganglia, instead of focusing on invasive injection under skin.The purpose of the essay has been precisely to determine whether it is a variation of treatment contributes to a more tolerant immune response with the GAP proteins of the human body.

results after the essay

"The results so far are very exciting"

Although it is still a short -range investigation, with a reaction study in six recently diagnosed patients of type 1 diabetes, the results are more than hopeful and open a new path on the way to the treatment and creation of insulin in patients in patientsWith this pathology.

These four graphs show comparative evolution in time after the test in the C peptide, on an empty stomach and after a mixed food tolerance test (Figure 1), the decrease in the level of glucosilated hemiglobin in time (Figure 2),The evolution in the insulin requirement (Figure 3) and the Normalized C-Pephide AUC in patients in the diagnose-1 test (Figure 4).

According to the study researcher himself, Johnny Ludvigsson, the results are promising:

"The results for these six patients are very promine.More patients before being able to say something about the efficacy of treatment, but the results so far are very exciting. "

In the cases analyzed, it was observed that long -term blood glucose levels and individual insulin needs of patients were significantly reduced, in addition to their natural levels of insulin production were constantly maintained, without gradually descending as it isnormal.

"If these results are confirmed when more patients are studied, it would be a very important advance. The way in which type 1 diabetes progresses differs among individuals for many reasons and this means that it is not necessary to find a treatment that has excellent effects for all for all.

The advances of science

Although we will be waiting for research to continue and tests extend to the analysis of a greater number of affected, this news is undoubtedly a promising advance in patients with type 1 diabetes.

Diet and exercise practice is the viable path towards a correct treatment of the disease

In recent times there are many scientific advances that try to fight this type of pathology and try to normalize as far as possible the symptoms, treatments and effects derived from this disease.
Little by little, there are many advantages that are made palpable, although undoubtedly, essays of this type are those who really can find a visible improvement in the treatment ofType 1 diabetes.

Until that moment comes it is essential that the people affected with diabetes follow an advisable diet and participate in the benefits that can be given correct food patterns and in line with their pathology.Do not hesitate to take a look at some of our posts where they are talked about scientifically proven benefits of low carbohydrate diets in patients with diabetes (i) and (ii), and not forget that exercise practice is the vital key toPrevent and keep our glucose and our health at bay.

Bibliographic sources consulted:
1.- nejm.org |Autoantigen intralymatic injection in type 1 diabetes |Johnny Ludvigsson, MD, Ph.D.Jeanette Wahlberg, MD, Ph.D.Rosaura Casas |Ph.D English J Med 2017;376: 697-699
2.- Web of Science |GAD65 Antigen Therapy in Recently Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |Ludvigsson, J et al |New England Journal of Medicine Feb 2012
3.- Web of Science |Antigen-Based Therapy with Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) Vaccine In Patients With Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial |WHERRETT, DK et al.|Lancet Jul 2011